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Food nutrient cycle is on where the nutrients in the producers are passes onto many different links of consumers and when the final consumer dies, decomposers such as fungi and bacteria consume the dead body and the nutrients go back to the soil fertilizing it to be used by plants and the cycle goes on and on.


a cycle never has a start or an end

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They make food from the photosynthesis cycle

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It is important in order for the ecosystem to produce more from the soil after the decomposers have gotten the nutrients back into the soil.

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Colorless plants make their food from chloroplasts. They can absorb food and nutrients from the ground or make food from the process called photosynthesis.

Why are humans considered as a part of the food nutrients cycle?

because considering that we are living things the nutrient are passed from us humans then to non living things in a continuous cycle

How plants get nutrients?

Plants get nutrients from the soil they are in. The nutrients dissolve in the water and are then absorbed from the plant's roots. Plants make food with photosynthesis.

How does food result in groth of humans?

Food is what gives the body the essential nutrients it needs. The food itself does not make you grow, the nutrients are what is used by the body to power its growth.

How do plant like protists get nutrients?

They get there nutrients through photosynthesis because there plants and make there own food .

Why are humans considered a part of food nutrients cycle?

because we are the one that its the food and we are the consumers and we are considered a part of the food cycle bcuz living things the nutrinients are passed from us human,then to non living things things in a continuous cycle.we are considered bcuz we part of the food nutrient cycle bcuz all living things need food.

Explain the relationship between food and nutrients?

Nutrients are substances required by the human body and taken from our food. They include carbohydrates (for energy), proteins (to make tissue), fats, vitamins, calcium (for teeth and bones), iodine, magnesium, and so on

Why does a horse digest food?

To be able to make use of the nutrients inside.