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Muscle spasms are typically seen in heat cramps, when exercising on hot days and you are not used to it. In that case, drink a fluid with sodium and other electrolytes such as Gatorade (preferably dilute regular Gatorade with half water, or use G2).

For chronic spasms, heat pads may be beneficial to relax the muscle. Talk to your doctor if it gets severe, muscle relaxers may be prescribed, or they may be able to identify underlying conditions.

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Why does your muscles feel like they are moving in one of your leg?

Could be a muscle spasm. Low magnesium levels can make muscles spasm.

Is it true that a spasm is a sudden violent involuntary contraction of one or more muscles?

Yes. That is the definition of a spasm.

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There is spasm of the muscles due to increased tone.

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What are the effects of tetanus?

Tetanus, a nervous system infection, can cause muscles spasms. A common name for tetanus is lockjaw, becausethe jaw is often the first muscle group to cramp or spasm. Spasm can happen throughout the body and may cause muscle tears. If the spasm occur in the muscles around the lungs it can result in breathing problems. Beyond muscles spasms, other symptoms of tetanus include fever, excessive sweating, irritability, and drooling.

Is there such thing as a muscle spasm occurring in your labia muscles?

yes there is look it up

What has most likely happened to a person with severe tetanus?

spasm and twitching of muscles, particularly the jaw muscles become stiff

What triggers a spasm?

a muscle spasm occurs when the muscles have been tense for a long period of time and then you make a sudden movement and it causes it to spasm. I have suffered with muscle spasm's in my back for about a year now due to a back injury and this is what my doctor has told me, it can be treated with diazapam to relax the muscle's.

What is The contraction of muscles for no obvious purpose called?

An involuntary muscle contraction is called a spasm.

What is myospasm?

A myospasm is a muscle spasm - a sudden jerking or twitching caused by contraction of the muscles.

How is muscle spasm treated in a person with a dislocated jaw?

If muscle spasm prevents the jaw from moving back into alignment, a sedative is administered intravenously (IV) to relax the muscles.

What is local myogenic spasm?

Muscle Spasm, this would be referring to when a blood vessel is broken, the response to fix it would be vasoconstriction. A myogenic spasm would aid in the loss of blood by briefly constricting the muscle where the broken blood vessel is located.