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Q: What is the first area of the brain affected by alcohol is the area that controls?
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Alcohol first affects the area of the brain that controls?


Is the frontal lobe of the brain the first part of the brain that is affected by alcohol?


Is The frontal lobe of the brain is the first part of the brain that is affected by alcohol?


Which part of the brain is affected first by alcohol consumption?

lelf side of the brain

Which part of the brain is affected first by alcohol?

The frontal cortex--the part of the brain that is heavily involved in tasks such as task-management and inhibition.

What is The first thing to be Affected by alcohol is?

The first thing to be affected by alcohol is your stomach. It travels down to your stomach, and then passes easily into the bloodstream. After entering the bloodstream, it travels very quickly to every part of your body. From there, the brain is the first part to actually be affected.

What is the first thing affected by alcohol?

Judgement is the first thing that gets affected by alcohol.

Which organ of the body is affected first by alcohol?

I think the first organ to be affected by alcohol is your liver.

What function is first affected while drinking alcohol?

The brain, that is first. It causes headaches and kill some cells, after a while it causes hangover.

Both your judgment and vision are affected after drinking alcohol Which is affected first?

Judgment is affected before vision when drinking alcohol.

Which muscles in your body are affected by alcohol first?

the muscles are your brain muscles because it goes to the brain then it weakens every other muscelBrain. You will stagger have chagings in emotion and also will have bad motor control

Both your judgment and your vision are affected by alcohol which is affected first?

judgment 1st