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Q: What is the first invension of this world?
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Was th telephone popular at first?

yes it was, it was the most popular invension iin history.

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Leonardo da vinci...

How did Alexander graham bell's invention change the world?

alexander graham bell's invension changed the world because he was gay and so he could talk to his boy-friend and have sex over the phone

What is the difference between discover and invension?

discover is for already existing process whereas invention is used for something that is created newly

Which factors contributed to the end of open range cattle ranching in the mid?

Drop in beef prices and the invension of barbed wire. NOVANET

Which factors contributed in the end of open-range cattle ranching in the mid 1800s?

Drop in beef prices and the invension of barbed wire. NOVANET

Which factors contributed to the end of open range cattle reaching in the mid 1800s?

Drop in beef prices and the invension of barbed wire. NOVANET

Thomas Edison invension of a light bulb?

What do you mean like did he invent the light bulb because if you do mean that then yes he did invent the light bulb

Why necessity is the mother of invension?

Why was the lightbulb invented? Why was the steam engine invented? Different questions with the same answer : if the invention was never needed (necessary), it wouldn't have been invented.

Which baseball rule is still unchanged since the invension or start of baseball?

the bases are 90 feet apart, the field is a diamond, three strikes your out, 3 outs in every half of the inning, 9 innings in a game ecxetra exetra

What is a trademark used for?

A trademark is a way to copyright your business or organization so that other people cannot use your name as their own. A trademark is a really good thing to get if you are trying to patent a new invension or design for a new or old product.