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It is the small intestine, although the word small is hardly appropriate. It is around 30 feet long.


Hmmm. I think it would be the mouth. It may not be very large, but I believe it is a major organ. In any event, there is the stomach that would certainly be named before the small intestine.

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Q: What is the first major organ used in digestion?
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Two ways of classifying organs into organ system is to see their main Major function and as well as their major organ.

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Why does digestion takes place in the stomach mostly?

so it can be broken down and transported to where it needs to be used in the bloodstream where it is diffused

What is the definition of the word craw?

A craw is the stomach of a bug or animal or an organ relating to digestion. The idiom "stick in one's craw" can be used to indicate someone feeling discontented.

What organs are used in your organ system?

All of them, that's why they're in the organ system in the first place,except for the appendix

What systems do you have when something is wrong with appendix?

Your apendix is not used by your body, it is thought that it was once used for the digestion of cellulose in the body before we evolved. your appendix can burst and therefore can become infective and you should go to the doctor however it is not an organ that is used by the body so no 'systems' are needed

Where was the first pipe organ used?

The Mediterranean and / or Middle East, sometime before 300 BCE.

What organ uses Chemical digestion and absorption of food?

Chemical digestion occurs in the mouth and (mainly) in the stomach. The small intestine is where a majority of absorption occurs, the large intestine mainly absorbs water. Actually only protein is digested in the stomach the majority of the rest is digested in the small intestine. Some starch is digested by salivary amylase in the mouth the rest is digested by pancreatic amylase in the duodenum/jejynum. The protein is digested entirely in the stomach as this is the only area with a pH low enough for the action of pepsin. Fats are digests using secretions of the gall bladder in the dudodenum/jejunum.

What part of speech is the word digestion?

Digestion is mostly used as a verb. It describes an action.

Is bile used for chemical or mechanical digestion?

it is use for chemical digestion as it emulsifies fats.