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The first quantum number is the principal quantum number (n), which indicates the main energy level of an electron. For a 2s electron in phosphorus (atomic number 15), the first quantum number is 2.

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Q: What is the first quantum number of a 2s2 electron in phosphorus 1s22p63s23p3?
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What is the first quantum number of a 2s2 electron in phosphorus?

The first quantum number of a 2s electron in phosphorus is the principal quantum number, which specifies the energy level of the electron shell. For a 2s electron, the principal quantum number is 2.

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The first quantum number (principal quantum number) for the 1s2 electron in a phosphorus atom is n = 1. This indicates the energy level or shell in which the electron is located.

What is the second quantum number of a 1s2 electon in phosphorus 1s22s22p63s23p3?

The second quantum number refers to the azimuthal quantum number, also known as the angular momentum quantum number. For an electron in the 1s orbital of phosphorus (1s2), the azimuthal quantum number is 0, which corresponds to an s orbital. Therefore, for a 1s2 electron in phosphorus, the second quantum number would be 0.

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What is the second quantum number of 1s2 electron in phosphorus?


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The third quantum number is the magnetic quantum number, also known as the quantum number that specifies the orientation of an orbital in space. For a 3s orbital, the possible values of the magnetic quantum number range from -l to +l, where l is the azimuthal quantum number, which is 0 for an s orbital. Therefore, the third quantum number for a 3s2 electron in phosphorus is 0.

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What is the second quantum number of a 2s2 electron in phosphorus 1s22s22p63s23p3?


What could be a third quantum number of a 2p3 electron in phosphorus?

ml = -1