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Q: What is the first state of stress response?
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Why is the body's response during the first stage of stress called the fight-or-fight response?

blood pressure increases hormones are released

Why is the body's response during the first stage of stress called the flight-or-flight response?

blood pressure increases hormones are released

Which stage in stress response does the fight or flight response occur?

The ALARM response

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Are stress and anxiety the same thing?

Stress and anxiety are often used interchangeably but there are differences between the two. Stress is a response to an event that causes physiological stress in the body, while anxiety is a response to an event that causes psychological stress.

What is the body's response to stress?

Your Brain

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What is the difference between stress and conflict?

Stress is a bodies response and conflict is a disagreement.

How do you state an opinion not in first person?

Rules clearly state the response should not include first person answers and comments

The initial response to certain stress reactions entails the fulfillment of basic needs this is appropriately called?

Psychological first aid.

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