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Q: What is the first thing chromosomes do in meiosis?
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Related questions

Is duplication of paired chromosomes in the first stage of meiosis?

Yes duplication of chromosomes occurs during the first stage of meiosis or during prophase.

What will separate in the first division in meiosis one?


When do chromosomes replicate?

Chromosomes replicate in the first stage of mitosis or meiosis-interphase

When does duplication of chromosomes occur?

when does the duplication of chromosomes occur?

Who was it that first identified chromosomes as existing in pairs and then separating during meiosis?

by you

How many chromosomes are present when meiosis starts?

In humans, 46 chromosomes are present when meiosis begins. The four daughter cells that result from meiosis have 23 chromosomes.

How many chromosomes would a cell have during metaphase 1 of meiosis if it has 12 chromosomes during interphase?

Meiosis is known as a reduction division. The total number of chromosomes present prior to meiosis is reduced in half at the end of meiosis. In this case 12 pairs of chromosomes before meiosis (a total of 24 chromosomes) becomes 12 chromosomes (one of each pair) at the end of meiosis.

How many chromosomes are present when meiosis is started?

In humans, 46 chromosomes are present when meiosis begins. The four daughter cells that result from meiosis have 23 chromosomes.

Are chromosomes single or double in meiosi?

The chromosomes are double (diploid) at the beginning of meiosis. By the end of meiosis I, the chromosomes are single (haploid).

Explaining why the process of mitosis and meiosis are both?

mitosis is the duplicate of chromosomes and meiosis is the reducing of chromosomes.

Chromosomes are duplicated?

The chromosomes duplicate themselves in Meiosis 1, however they don't duplicate in Meiosis 2.

What is the end result difference between mitosis and meiosis?

Mitosis = doubling of chromosomes. Meiosis = halving of chromosomes.