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Only 3-17% of patients with anaplastic cancer survive for five years.

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Q: What is the five year survival rate for anaplastic thyroid cancer?
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What is meant by anaplastic oligodendroglioma?

Anaplastic Oligodendroglioma is a brain tumor. It is usually treated with surgery to remove the tumor cells and then several rounds of chemotherapy. One who is diagnosed with this has roughly a five year survival rate.

What is the survival rate for people suffering from ovarian cancer?

The survival rate for ovarian cancer varies by the severity of the disease and how early the disease is detected. The typical five-year rate is around 45%, but if diagnosed early, the five-year survival rate can be as high as 90%.

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The statistics for survival of breast cancer at the age of twenty five is that there is about an 85 percent chance of survival for any person age fifteen through thirty nine.

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The survival rates for colon cancer depend on in which stage the cancer is originally detected. If detected at an early stage, the five year survival rate can be as high as 90%, however if the cancer goes undetected into a distant stage, the five year survival rate can drop dramatically, becoming 12%.

Are there common symptoms of thyroid cancer that I should look into?

There are several common symptoms associated with thyroid cancer. A lump in your neck, voice hoarseness, swollen lymph nodes, difficulty breathing, and pains in the neck are five common symptoms.

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Overall survival after gastrectomy for gastric cancer varies greatly by the stage of disease at the time of surgery. For early gastric cancer, the five-year survival rate is as high as 80-90%; for late-stage disease, the prognosis is bad.

What is the survival rate for men with stage IV prostate cancer?

the five year survival rate drops to 30% for Stage IV.

How many breast cancer survivors are there?

According to an article in There are 2½ million breast cancer survivors in the United States. (by 9/24/10).

What is the estimated survival rate for early prostate cancer prognosis?

The estimated survival rate for early prostate cancer detection is 93.5% after one year. The rate is 81.4% after five years and after 10 years it is 68.5%.

Caucasian Women Have the Best Bone Cancer Prognosis ?

One of the biggest factors that determines a patient's bone cancer prognosis is the current stage of the disease. If the bone cancer has metastasized to the lymph nodes, or other areas of the body, the cancer will be harder to successfully treat, resulting in a shorter survival rate. Five-year survival-rate statistics help a physician calculate a particular patient's bone cancer prognosis. Male, Caucasian adults have the worst survival rate while female, Caucasian adults have the best survival rate. The five-year bone cancer survival rates range from 67-74 percent when averaging all races.

What are the survival rates for cervical cancer in various countries?

The survival rate for cervical cancer in the United States is found that 82% of women in the US have a five year survival rate, versus the 73% chance of survival from when in Europe, based on the 2000-02 study by Eurocare, found here:

What is the survival rate of stage2a breast cancer?

For stage I (early/lymph node negative), which comprises 40-45% of total cases, the five-year survival is 85-95%.