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The flow of energy from one material to another is called heat transfer. Heat transfer can occur through conduction (direct contact), convection (movement of fluids), or radiation (electromagnetic waves).

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Q: What is the flow of energy from one material to another called?
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What is A material that resists the flow of energy called?

A material that resists the flow of energy is called an insulator. Insulators have high resistance to the flow of heat or electricity, preventing the transfer of energy through them effectively. Examples of insulating materials include rubber, glass, and wood.

What is the flow of energy from a warmer to cooler material called?

The flow of energy from a warmer to cooler material is called heat transfer. This process occurs through conduction, convection, or radiation depending on the medium through which the energy is being transferred.

A material that lets energy flow through it?

A material that allows energy to flow through it is called a conductor. Conductors typically have loosely bound electrons that can easily move in response to an external electric field, facilitating the flow of energy (electricity) through the material. Some examples of conductors include metals like copper and aluminum.

What is A material that allows for the transfer of energy called?

A material that allows for the transfer of energy is called a conductor. Conductors have high thermal and electrical conductivity, allowing energy to flow through them easily. Examples include metals like copper and silver.

What is the material that does not allow energy to pass through it easily?

An insulator is a material that does not allow energy to pass through it easily. Insulators have high resistance to the flow of electrical current and are used to isolate or protect conductive materials from the flow of energy. Examples of insulators include rubber, glass, and ceramic.

What is a material ability to allow heat to flow called?

The property is called the material's "thermal conductivity".

What is it called that allows heat to flow through matter?

The process that allows heat to flow through matter is called thermal conduction. It occurs when vibrating atoms or molecules transfer kinetic energy to neighboring particles in a material. This transfer of energy leads to an overall increase in temperature within the material.

What is a material that slows the flow of energy?

An insulator material, such as rubber or wood, can slow the flow of energy like heat or electricity due to its low conductivity properties. This causes energy to be retained rather than quickly transferred through the material.

What is flow of energy?

Energy flow refers to the transfer of physical energy from one place to another. This often involves the flow of fluid.

The flow of energy is called what?

The flow of thermal energy is called heat transfer. It is through the various means of heat transfer that thermal energy moves from one place to another. Heat moves from where it is hot to where it is not. Always. Think it through and it will make perfect sense.

What does flow of energy mean?

Energy Flow is the movement of energy, which originally comes from the sun, from one organism to another.

What is Energy transferred as heat through a material by direct?

Conduction is the process by which energy is transferred as heat through a material by direct molecular contact. It occurs due to the collision of particles within the material, leading to the transfer of kinetic energy from one particle to another. Materials that are good conductors, such as metals, allow heat to flow easily, while insulators, like air or wood, impede the flow of heat.