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Q: What is the flow of the air during the night?
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Why air flows downhill at night in the mountainous areas?

As the air cools during the night, it tends to flow downhill.

What is the observation a bedroom air conditioner blows very cold air at night but only cool air during the day?

its colder at night than it is during the day, so it feels colder at night.

How does the air move during day time and during night time?

the cool air pushes the warm air

How does the wind blow during night time?

The wind blows during the night time because of air currents that are cooling during the night. During the day, these currents are heated and exchange places with cooler air higher in the atmosphere.

Why do land breezes generally occur during the night and early morning?

Warm air expands, so air will flow from a warm place to a cool place. During the day the land will get warm, while a body of water will stay at roughly the same temperature, since it takes longer to warm up. During the night, the land will cool until it is cooler than the water, so air will flow toward the land. In the early morning, the land stays cool for a while, so the breeze continues. As the land warms up and becomes warmer than the sea, the air will flow away from the land. This breeze will usually occur from the middle of the day until after sunset.

Cool dense air moves during the night from the land toward water as?

Cool, dense air moves during night from the land toward water as = the answer is LAND BREEZE

How does the air move during night time and day time?

the cool air pushes the warm air

What is an air flow?

An air flow is any flow of air, particularly the motion of air around a moving aircraft or aerofoil.

Why the lower part of air is rarer at day but denser at night?

because the sun evaporates moisture during the day, as the air cools at night it becomes denser.

What occurs when cool air from the beach toward the ocean during the night?

A sea breeze occurs when cool air moves from the beach toward the ocean at night.

Why is airflow restricted during an asthma attack?

because of the restriction on air flow through the trachea.

Why is no obstruction important for air flow techniques?

The laminar flow hood depends on the laminar air flow to sweep away pathogens from the hood. If there is obstruction, the laminar air flow pattern will be disrupted. The laminar air flow will then change to turbulent air flow.