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Q: What is the following organs noticeably prominent in men than in women?
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What organs noticeably prominent in men than in women?

The external reproductive organs (penis and testes) are more prominent in men than in women, who only have the vulva and outer labia to show. In addition, the larynx (voice box) is more noticeable in men, in whom it's common called the "adam's apple."

Which of the following organs is noticeably more prominet in men than in women?

An organ that is much more noticeable in men than women is the larynx. This is also called the "Adam's apple". Other organs in only men that can be seen are the penis and testicles.

What organs are more prominent in men than in women?

The external reproductive organs (penis and testes) are more prominent in men than in women, who only have the vulva and outer labia to show. In addition, the larynx (voice box) is more noticeable in men, in whom it's common called the "adam's apple."

What Organ is noticeably more prominent in men?

Though the Adam's Apple is present in both men and women, it is more prominent in men, as grown men have larger voice boxes, and theirs are a lot more prominent. Though, if a man has a double chin, the Adam's Apple (laryngeal prominence) is hidden from view!

How many organs total does a female have?

Women have five sexual organs.

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Hat are the essential organs of reproduction in men and women called

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Women's issues have become suddenly prominent in American culture because of recent changes in laws that affect women. These laws include healthcare options and abortion laws.

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Mary Harris Jones was a prominent organizer in the women's labor movement. She was a co-founder of Industrial Workers of the World.

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Because men have a stronger matabilizm the women do so they can consume more than women as their body takes it in better and women have difference organs to men in which deal with alcohol differently to how mens organs deal with alcohol. -women are

What are the different organ system in a women?

Women have female reproductive organs and males have male reproductive organs. The female organs are the ovaries, Fallopian tubes, uterus and vagina. The male organs are the testis, tubes that carry sperm and the penis.