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Q: What is the food gathering of a paramecium?
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Where does the paramecium store his food?

In the vacuole the Paramecium stores its food:) youre welcome

How does paramecium make its own food?

Paramecium does not make its own food, it is a consumer.

What does a food vacuole in a paramecium do?

Food Vacuole

What is the function of the food vacuole of the paramecium?

to digest the food.

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Can paramecium make own food?


What is the name for the mouth of the paramecium?

Paramecium have an oral groove that is connected to a cytopharynx that leads to a food vacuole.

When paramecium takes in food which organelle is the food contained in?


Where is food contain in a paramecium?

food is contain in the vacuole <3

Does paramecium make their own food?

Paramecium is a genus.A phylum is a very large grouping, and in some cases different classifications use different names. Paramecium is sometimes placed in the phylum Ciliophora in the kingdom Protista.

Which protists use cilia for locomotion?

Paramecium, becasue the cilia floats through flugela and gets food through hair like structurs

Describe the path of food in a paramecium?

Paramecium use processes known as endocytosis and exocytosis for their food digestion. When they encounter something that they know they can digest they quickly intake the food during their endocytosis process. The food once consumed enters a food vacuole that is used for direct digestion. Exocytosis is the process that is then used to dispose of any waste from the food not used by the paramecium.