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The gecko is third from the bottom. Plants and insects are below it.

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Q: What is the food position of gecko on the food chain?
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What food chain or food web does the gecko fit into?

Gecko's are from the dessert. Now look at the question again.

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What is a tropic?

a group of organisms that occupy the same position in a food chain.

What indicates an organism's position in a food chain?

pretty much anywhere

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a group of organisms that occupy the same position in a food chain.

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An organism's trophic level is its position in a sequence of energy transfers. It is the organism's position in a food chain.

Will animals die out where the food chain is broken?

As consumers (chemoheterotrophs), animals cannot produce their own food. Any lost link in the food chain prevents the organisms above that point from surviving, at least in their current position on the chain.

Is a tiger composer?

No, the tiger is a consumer, a secondary consumer in the food chain. Composer is not a trophic position on a food chain. Organisms are either producers, consumers or decomposers.

How is the size of an organism related to its position in a food chain?

generally: larger organisms are higher on the food chain as they have more ability to consume/chase/hunt/forage, etc.

ways in which special relationship affect food web or chain/wed?

A food chain outlines who eats whom. A food web is all of the food chains in an ecosystem. Each organism in an ecosystem occupies a specific trophic level or position in the food chain or web.

What position on the food chain is the eastern fox snake?

rat,mole,fox snake