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Q: What is the form of a given language spoken by a particular group or in a specific region?
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What is local dialect?

A local dialect is a specific form of a language spoken in a particular region or community that may have unique vocabulary, grammar, or pronunciation. It may differ from the standardized or official form of the language spoken in a country.

What is defined as the language spoken by an individual or a group of people in a specific region or area?

Dialecttt (:

Which of these terms is defined as the language spoken by an individual or group of people in a specific region or area?

The term that is defined as the language spoken by an individual or group of people in a specific region or area is "dialect." Dialects can vary in terms of vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar within the same language.

What term is defined as the language spoken by an individual or group of people in a specific region or area?

The term is "dialect". Dialect refers to the unique variations, pronunciations, and vocabulary differences found within a specific geographical region or community.

Which term is defined as the language spoken by an individual or group of people in a specific region or area?


Where is Scandinavian spoken?

Scandinavian languages are primarily spoken in the countries of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, as well as parts of Finland and Iceland. These languages belong to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language family.

What is linguistic state?

A linguistic state refers to a region or country where a specific language is predominantly spoken or officially recognized. This term can also describe the linguistic diversity and policies within a particular political entity.

What is the language of a particular region?

The language of a particular region can vary depending on factors such as historical influences, cultural background, and geographical location. The dominant language spoken in a region is often influenced by factors such as colonization, migration patterns, and government policies. Linguistic diversity is common, with regions often having multiple languages spoken by different ethnic or cultural groups.

What does kret mean?

"Kret" does not have a commonly recognized meaning in English or another widely spoken language. It may be a term specific to a particular context or language.

What is a regional variety of a language?

A regional variety of a language refers to the specific way that language is spoken in a particular region or area, including differences in pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar. These variations can result from historical, social, or geographical factors, and they contribute to the diverse and dynamic nature of language.

What is a local language having a distinct vocabulary and pronunciation?

A local language with distinct vocabulary and pronunciation refers to a language that is specific to a particular region or community and differs from the standard or widely spoken language. These local languages often have their own unique words, phrases, and accents that set them apart from the dominant language in the area. They may also have specific grammatical structures or dialectal variations.

What does 'indigenous language' mean?

An indigenous language refers to a language that is native to a specific region or community and has been spoken by the people in that area for generations. These languages often hold cultural and historical significance to the indigenous communities that speak them.