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It is the inverse of mpg or 1/mpg. This is due to the nature of the units involved: mi/gal is the same as 1/gal/mi.

So if your car gets 20 mpg, it burns 1/20 gallons/mile or .05 gal/mi

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Q: What is the formula for calculating gallons per mile from mpg?
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10 liters per 100kms how many imp gallons per mile?

23.52 MPG

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My old truck gets about 10 mpg, that is 1/10 of a gallon used per mile.

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I have a 96 and I get 16-20 mpg

Is the formula for calculating mileage in kilometers km per 100L?

mpg x 235.215 = liters per 100 km

How much gas do I use on a 35 mile commute at 25 mpg?

You will use about 1.4 gallons of gas during the commute.

If you drive for 1161 miles on 54 gallons of gas what is the average mile per gallon?

To calculate the average miles per gallon, divide the total miles driven by the total gallons of gas used. So, 1161 miles / 54 gallons = 21.5 miles per gallon on average.

How do you calculate MPG to Gallons?

mpg means "miles per gallon" which is calculated as the distance travelled in miles divided by the fuel used in gallons. mpg = miles/gallons → mpg × gallons = miles → gallons = miles/mpg ie if you know the average mpg for your vehicle over a distance (in miles), then the amount of fuel used (in gallons) can be calculated by dividing the distance by the (average) mpg.

How can railroads get 400 mpg with diesel fuel but cars get only 45 mpg?

Railroad do not get 400 mpg with diesel fuel. They are rated in gallons per mile and there are way too many variables to give a single overall answer.

What is the formula used to calculate cost per mile based on fuel usage only.?

Miles driven divided by MPG = gallons used. Gallons used multiplied by price per gallon = total price spent for miles driven. Total cost divided into total miles = cost per mile.Take the price of gas and divided it by your cars mpg.Price of Gas Per Gallon/Miles Per Gallon = cost per mile.$3.12 per gallon/ 22 mpg = 14 cents per mile.

How many gallons of gas is needed for a 152-mile trip?

Depends on the MPG of the vehicle you are driving. An example would be a vehicle that gets 25 mpg. You would divide 25 into 152 and you would see it takes a little over 6 gallons for the trip.

How many gallons of gas will you need at 16 miles per gallon on a 586 mile trip?

To travel 586 miles at 16 mpg you will need at least 36.625 gallons of gasoline.