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Q: What is the formula for the polymerization of propenol?
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C4H5Cl Note that neoprene is produced through the polymerization of chloroprene--meaning that both have the same chemical formula, but in neoprene it is a repeated structural unit.

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Why is this polymerization reaction known as addition polymerization?

In this type of polymerization monomers are added successive without any loss of molecule or atom.

Is polymerization banned?

Polymerization is not currently on any Banned or Restricted lists.

Which types of polymerization techniques are used to make polystyrene?

Atactic and syndiotactic polymerization.

What is the molecular formula for the unknown C2H4O?

That is a molecular formula.I can't off the top of my head think of any compound with that molecular formula, though. It's not methoxyethane or a propanol, because it's got one too few hydrogen atoms. It's not propanone or cyclopropanol or oxetane or a propenol, because it's got one too many hydrogen atoms.

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Rumus kimia Propenol

Which pack is polymerization stardust accelerator?

Polymerization comes from the pack DARK BEGINNING 1.

Is polymerization to form polyethylene a chemical or physical property?

Polymerization is not a property; it is a type of chemical reaction.

How are polymers monomers and polymerization related?

Monomers chemically bond to make polymers in the process of polymerization.

How are monomers polymers polymerization related?

Monomers chemically bond to make polymers in the process of polymerization.