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Q: What is the formula of the conjugate acid for base rm SO 42?
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If you are dealing with an isosceles triangle, if one of the base angles measures 42 degrees then the other base angle measures 42 degrees. (By definitioin an isosceles triangle has at least 2 equal sides and the angle opposite those sides with be equal.) If you add up the degrees in each angle within a triangle, it will always equal 180 degrees. Knowing all this you can set up a formula: Angle 1 + Angle 2 + Angle 3 = 180 42 + 42 + Angle 3 = 180 Angle 3 = 96 degrees

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The Henderson-Hasselbach equation provides a general solution to the quantitative treatment of acid-base equilibria in biological systems (Garrett & Grisham, 2005, Biochemistrym, p.42).

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