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Q: What is the four-year gap between Games called?
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Some gaps between olympic games were more than four years what were those dates and why was there a bigger than normal gap?

There were no Olympic Games in 1916, 1940, and 1944. The gap between the 1912 Games and the 1920 Games was due to World War I. The gap between the 1936 Games and the 1948 Games was due to World War II. What is the name given to the actual interval between the Games?

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This gap is called the synaptic cleft.

Root gap and root face in MMA process?

the gap between two parts which have to be welded called root gap

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There are thousand of gaps in Saturn's rings - the main ones are called Cassini Division and Encke Gap

Are there strips to fix a gap between my two front teeth?

They're called Teeth Gap Bands.You can get Teeth Gap Bands. It closed my gap in 3 weeks.

What is a gap between a mountain called?

A gap between mountains is called a col or a saddle. It is a low point or pass in a ridge or mountain range that allows for easier travel between two high points.

What is the name of the gap between each pristle on a comb?

the name of the gap is called the horizontal line done by slushy