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Q: What is the four European nations that struggled for empire and dominant trade?
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What is the best category for the above european nations?

ok i think its European empire buildres nations

What is a nation that rules several other nations?

A nation that rules over other nations, known as a dominant or conquering nation, is the founder of an empire of nations.

What three great modern European nations did Charlemagne's Empire include?

The three great modern European nations were included in the Charlemagne's Empire were the countries by the name of modern Catalonia, France and western Germany.

How many European nations claimed parts of the ottoman empire?


Which nation Emerged stronger after the thirty year war?

France emerged from the Thirty Years' War as the dominant European nation. The Holy Roman Empire had lost its control of the nation.

What was the dominant power in India after the death of the Mughal Empire?

Britishers were the dominant in India after the downfall of Mughal empire.

How did Africa become part of the British Empire?

By conquests from several European nations. The European nations had many firearms, and Africa and India did not have that many at all compared to the Europeans. This caused conquests and how India and Africa became part of the British Empire

What 2 European nations fought with Germany in World War 1?

The MAIN Central Power nations were Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottomen Empire (Turkey). There were others, as well, but they played a smaller role in the war.

When was the Ottoman empire powerful?

The Ottoman Empire's dominant period was 1400-1918.

Will the EU rise to power and effectively emasculate the English speaking nations of their military prowess?

For those who believe the King of the North or Beast Power in Bible Prophecy is the final revival of the Roman Empire - the modern European Union - then it appears so as no English-speaking nations are not dominant in the story line. In fact, these too believe the English-speaking nations to be the modern descendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel who will be put into captivity until the 2nd Coming - time of Jacob's trouble.

What is the dominant religion in ancient roman?

The dominant religion in the Roman Empire was the Roman religion until Christianity became the dominant religion.

What was the language of the Persian Empire?

The official language of the Persian Empire was Old Persian, which belonged to the Indo-European language family. Over time, the empire also adopted Aramaic as a common language for administrative purposes due to its widespread use across the region.