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Q: What is the four source theory?
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What theory arose as a result of seeing that Matthew and Luke shared a large number of verses?

The Four Source Hypothesis. This "theory" claims that there were four sources for these two Gospels; Mark being the primary and three hypothesized sources: Q, M source and L source.

What are the names of four sources which contributed to the compilation of the Pentateuch?

The four sources theory says that the Elohist ('E' Source), Yahwist ('J' Source), Deuteronomist ('D' Source) and the Priestly Source ('P' Source) were the main contributors to the writing of the Pentateuch.

What is the source of motivation theory?

Motivation theory comes from the field of psychology and encompasses various theories that seek to understand what drives behavior and why people act in certain ways. It draws from research in areas such as human needs, rewards and punishments, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and goal-setting to explain why individuals are compelled to pursue certain goals or take specific actions.

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The theory belief is that electricity flows from a negative source to a positive source.

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The source of motivation theory is Frederick Herzberg.

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How did Aristotle link to the theory of the four humours?

Aristotle did not specifically link to the theory of the four humours; that theory was developed by ancient Greek physician Hippocrates. The theory of the four humours was based on a belief that four bodily fluids (blood, phlegm, yellow bile, black bile) influenced a person's health and temperament. Aristotle's work focused more on philosophy, science, and ethics rather than medicine.

Four theories of the origins of government?

Evolution Theory, Force Theory, Divine Right Theory, Social Contract Theory

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well this theory was that the sun was a princaple source of motive power in the universe

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well this theory was that the sun was a princaple source of motive power in the universe

Four major variants of elitist political theory?

the divine right theory the evolutionary theory the social contract theory the force theory

What is Kepler's universe theory?

well this theory was that the sun was a princaple source of motive power in the universe