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Q: What is the fraction of the total radiation encountered that is reflected by a surface called?
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What is the fraction of total radiation that is reflected by any surface called?

It is the reflectivity of the surface. However, it is important to note that the reflected fraction depends on the wavelength of the incident light.

What is an albedometer?

An albedometer is an instrument used to measure the albedo - the fraction of incident light or radiation reflected by a body - of a surface.

What is the fraction if solar radiation that is reflect off a particular surface called?

There is no special name. The fraction of sunlight which is reflected will be different from the fraction of other light. The reflectivity of a surface varies with the wavelength of the incident light.

The albedo of the earth's surface is the fraction of solar radiation that is?

The albedo of the Earth's surface is the fraction of solar radiation that is reflected back into space. It is a measure of how reflective a surface is, with higher albedo values indicating more reflection and less absorption of sunlight by the surface. Land surfaces, ice, and clouds generally have higher albedo values, while oceans and forests have lower albedo values.

How much solar energy is reflected by the atmosphere and earth's surface?

About 6% of incoming solar radiation is reflected back into space from the atmosphere and 4% by the surface of the earth.Incoming solar radiation: 100%Reflected by the atmosphere: 6% : Absorbed by the atmosphere: 16%Continuing incoming solar radiation: 78%Reflected by clouds: 20% : Absorbed by clouds: 3%Continuing incoming solar radiation: 55%Reflected by the earth's surface: 4% : Absorbed by the earth's surface (lands and oceans): 51%

What is the correct definition of albedo?

The fraction of incident radiation reflected by a surface. -ie, how brightly something reflects a light. -usually referring to stars etc.

What fraction of solar radiation reflected by a surface is called?

this question needs to be stated more precisely. The solar fraction is a measurement of usage of the solar thermal energy by the solar thermal system installed.

What happens when radiation reaches earth's surface?

90% of radiation reaching the surface of the earth is absorbed! and 10% is reflected into space.

About 6 percent of solar radiation is what by the Earth's surface?


How does opaqueness affect radiation?

If you are referring to visible light, which lies in the wavelength range from 380 to 740 nm of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum, an opaque body won't allow light to travel trough it. When light hits the surface of the body the light can be, reflected, absorbed, or part of it reflected and the rest absorbed. In the case you are referring to thermal radiation which lies in the wavelength range from about 1 x 102 to 1 x 105 nm, an opaque body to thermal radiation will behave the same. In this later case the way the body's surface will behave is given by the surface properties reflectivity and absorptivity, which are the fraction of the incident radiation that is reflected and absorbed by the surface respectively.

What Happens To Radiation When It Hits Eath's Surface?

When radiation hits Earth's surface, it can be absorbed, reflected, or scattered. Some of the absorbed radiation warms the surface, causing temperatures to increase, while some is re-radiated back into the atmosphere as heat. The remaining radiation is reflected back into space, contributing to Earth's energy balance.

What type of radiation is reflected away from the earths surface?

Long-wave radiation and visible light.