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well technically if they die its murder and if they don't know that there selling fake drugs and they die its involuntary manslaughter without the drugs or treatment they will die so if u do know that this happened report to the proper authorities because i think that this is a federal crime

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Q: What is the fraudulent sale of drugs and treatments to cancer patients called?
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These treatments include systematic chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, and radiotherapy as alternatives or adjunctive therapy for patients with cancer.

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Cancer patients who take astragalus during or after cancer treatments tend to recover more quickly from the ill effects of the treatment, and they generally have better survival rates.

What type of treatments do breast cancer patients undergo?

The type of treatments that breast cancer patients undergo include surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, targeted therapy, breast reconstruction. One can go to the Willows Support Team in Canada for more information.

What alternate treatments exist for cancer patients?

Although the effectiveness of complementary therapies such as acupuncture in alleviating cancer pain has not been clinically proven, many cancer patients find it safe and beneficial. Bodywork therapies such as massage.

What life and death depend?

Life or death can depend on teenage cancer patients taking their treatments properly

Will most doctors talk about prostate cancer treatments with their patients?

Yes, most doctors will discuss prostate cancer treatments and will refer you to a specialist. The specialist will run various test and be more in depth about your specific case.

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Some patients with pancreatic cancer deemed suitable for a pancreatectomy will also undergo chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy.

What alternate treatments exist for males with testicular cancer?

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How can cancer treatments lead to carbohydrate intolerance?

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Which is the best complementary therapy by herbs for the cancer patiets?

There are many complementary herbal therapy treatments available for cancer patients. Many utlize Echinacea which helps boost the immune system.