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Q: What is the freezing point of a solution made by dissolving 352 g of ethylene glycol in 648 g of water?
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What does ethylene glycol do to the solution in a vehicles radiator?

Ethylene glycol mixed up to 50% with water, lowers the freezing point of the mixture, while remaining an excellent heat transfer medium. It protects the engine from either freezing or from overheating.

What elements is ethylene glycol made up of?

The chemical formula for ethylene glycol is C2H6O2.

Is ethanol more polar than ethylene glycol?

Ethylene glycol is more polar than ethanol - a rough measure of polarity is given by the dielectric constant. For example, water is 80, ethylene glycol 37, and ethanol 24.3. Water is the most polar, followed by ethylene glycol and ethanol. Another way to think about it is that ethanol has one alcohol group, and ethylene glycol has two, so it is more polar.

What is the freezing point of 100 percent Antifreeze?

Original Answer: 100 percent coolant freezing point -60 celcius This is baldly incorrect. 100% solution of ethylene glycol-based antifreeze is approximately -12 degrees celcius, higher for many of the lower quality products (which have a lower concentration of ethylene glycol). The optimum solution is about 60% antifreeze and 40% water. The reason for this is that the two molecule types (ethylene glycol and water) interfere with each other's ability to attract like molecules and crystalize, or freeze. A higher concentration of either liquid will reduce this affect and raise the freezing point. For warmer climates, 20% antifreeze is probably enough - water has a higher capacity for heat than antifreeze does. Running 100% water is not a good idea though, even in the hottest of temperatures. There are (usually) additives in antifreeze that serve to condition and lubricate the cooling system, primarily the water pump. Pure ethylene glycol actually freezes at about 8 degrees fahrenheit.. The key is in the mix.

Ethylene glycol what can you clean it up with?

Ethylene glycol binds with water, so it can be rinsed and diluted. The primary danger is its sweet taste, so children and animals can eat it, and it is toxic. Ethylene glycol in air will break down in about 10 days. Ethylene glycol in water and in soil will breakdown within several days to a few weeks.

Related questions

What does ethylene glycol do to the solution?

Raises the boiling point and lowers the freezing point.

What is the freezing point of a solution made by dissolving 352 g of ethylene glycol C2H6O2 in 648 g of water The freezing point of pure water is 0.0ºC and Kf of pure water is -1.86ºC m?

-10.6c <--- LOL, no. The correct answer is -16.3°C

What does ethylene glycol do to the solution in a vehicles radiator?

Ethylene glycol mixed up to 50% with water, lowers the freezing point of the mixture, while remaining an excellent heat transfer medium. It protects the engine from either freezing or from overheating.

What does ethylene do to the solution in a vehicles radiator?

Ethylene glycol mixed up to 50% with water, lowers the freezing point of the mixture, while remaining an excellent heat transfer medium. It protects the engine from either freezing or from overheating.

Ethylene glycol in coolant or propylene gylcol?

Ethylene glycol

Is ethylene glycol halal?

Ethylene glycol is not of animal origin !

How do you make solution of melamine?

Melamine is soluble in ethylene glycol an water at high temperature.

Are ethylene oxide and ethylene glycol monomers polymers or neither?

Polyethylene oxide and polyethylene glycol are both known polymers. Ethylene oxide and ethylene glycol are, therefore, monomeric.

What is the color of ethylene-glycol?

It is clear. If it is at room temperature, and 100% Ethylene glycol is clear.

What elements is ethylene glycol made up of?

The chemical formula for ethylene glycol is C2H6O2.

Is ethylene glycol a polymer?

no, but polyethylene glycol is.

What is the major componet of most major brands of antifreeze?

Ethylene glycol.Ethylene glycol.