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Q: What is the french word for butchery?
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Related questions

What does french butchery sell?

Du Jambon, du poulet,saucissons

How do you say the butchery in french?

la boucherie (fem.) - The butcher is 'le boucher' (masc.)

How do you spell butchery in french?

butcher shop is feminine so it' boucherie

What services are offered by The Butchery?

There are several businesses with the name "The Butchery". The Butchery in East Windsor Connecticut provides all of the standard butcher services including producing and smoking meats.

What places in a French town end in Erie?

Usually: little shops like "boulangerie" bakery "Epicerie" grocery "Laiterie" dairy "boucherie" butchery "blanchisserie" laundry

Were did quartering get its name from?

Butchery of animals for food.

What is GMP of butchery?

Good Manufacturing Practice

Why did English liberals and radicals become disillusioned with the French Revolution?

The violence of the Reign of Terror disillusioned many of the English and Amerian supporters of the French Revolution. While they supported increased democracy and pro-citizen reforms, they could not condone the massive scale of butchery that ocurred in the French streets.

What is the french word for Jack?

What is the french word french of Jack ? the french word for Jack its Jacques .

Is object a French word?

i think it's a french word i was reading a french letter and this word is in their and i no its french.

What is an objective of butchery?

Butcher is an objective for food and money. Thats why there are Butcheries.

Is the word bikini a French word?

No, bikini is not a French word. Although it was used in French.