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It is 5187 kg, but it depends on the type of 145.

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Q: What is the fuel capacity of a embraer rj145 airplane?
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An airplane's range is determined by it's groundspeed, fuel burn rate, and fuel capacity. If an airplane burns 10 gallons of fuel per hour and has a ground speed of 200 miles per hour, with a 40 gallon fuel tank. It could fly about 800 miles. You have to keep some fuel in reserve. At least 30 minutes of fuel for daytime, and 45 minutes at night.

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A Boeing 747 tanks capacity is 54,206 gallons, different models of aircraft would have a different tank capacity.

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Your question makes no sense, a "fuel capacity" of something is the amount of fuel you can put into it. For instance the fuel capacity of a car is about 10 gallons. As coal itself is a fuel it is simply nonsense to refer to its "fuel capacity".

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