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Automotive Gas and Oil

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How is petroleum produced?

Petroleum is a refined product from crude oil, which is pumped up from under the ground, where it formed 300 million years ago.

How paraffin is made?

Most candles are made of paraffin wax. Paraffin wax is made from petroleum in the oil refining process. It is naturally clear and odorless when burned, though most candles include dyes and fragrances.

What is Formed from organisms that lived millions of years ago?


A fossil fuel created from plant deposits million of years ago?


What was oil formed from?

I THINK petroleum You're thinking on the right track, but in reverse. Petroleum is a product made from crude oil, not the other way around. Crude oil is made from extinct biomass, that is plants and animals that lived millions of years ago, subjected to underground pressure over a long period of time until the oil is all that is left of them.

Is oil biofuel?

It depends which type of oil you are referring to. If you are referring to petroleum, it's not a biofuel in the usual sense. Current usage of the term "biofuel" indicates fuel made from recently harvested living material. Petroleum is biofuel only in the sense that it came from material that was living many millions of years ago, and so it is normally considered a non-renewable mining product.

Do petroleum come from plankton?

petroleum comes from the remains of every living creatures that existed millions of years ago such as dinosaurs, the sea creatures and most likely ancient plankton also

Petroleum and natural gas form from .?

The remains of plants and animals buried in seas long ago

Why does Turkey have very little oil?

Petroleum exists in those areas where there were forests roughly 300 million years ago. Turkey happens to occupy land that was not forested at that time. As a result, Turkey has minimal petroleum.

What kind of conditions probably existed millions of years ago in the areas that are rich with petroleum?

I don't know just bored

Why is petroleum Saudi Arabia's biggest natural resource?

Scientists believe that 300 million years ago, the area around the Persian Gulf was a large swamp. Over the eons, pressure turned the plant matter into petroleum.

How old is pico de orizaba?

Its geologic record puts it during the late Pleistocene, meaning it first appeared between 1 million and 12,000 years ago. It is the product of a violent Strombolian eruption.