

What is the full name of the prophet of Islam religion?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Prophet name is Muhammad ibn 'Abd Allah ibn 'Abd al-Muttalib ibn Hashim

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Q: What is the full name of the prophet of Islam religion?
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What was the name of the religion introduced by the Prophet Muhammad?

It is known as Islam.

Who was the prophet who found the Muslim religion?

Mohamed is the name of the Founder of Islam.

Is Islam a real religion?

Yes, Islam is a real religion. Islam is an Arabic word that means submission to God. All God creatures were inspired by God to be on full submission (Islam) to Him. It is the religion and mission of all God prophets to mankind including Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad (peace be upon them all).Islam religion per God revelation of Torah to Prophet Moses is called JudaismIslam religion per God revelation of the Bible to Prophet Jesus is called ChristianityIslam religion per God revelation of the Quran to Prophet Muhammad is called the very name Islam.

What is the difference bewteen Islam and Muslim?

Islam is God religion since the start of Mankind. It is an Arabic word that means full submission to God, the one and only one God. The root of the word 'Islam' is 'Selm' or peace. That means Islam, that is full submission to God, leads to Selm, that is peace between you and your universe and inside yourself. The followers of Islam are called Muslims. The very name Islam is the religion per God revelation of Quran to prophet Muhammad, through the Angel Gabriel, that started in year 610 AD and continued until year 632 AD (year of prophet Muhammad death. The followers of Islam religion and prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) are called also Muslims.

What is full name of Islam?

The full name is Islam. It is a monotheistic and Abrahamic religion, articulated by the Qur'an and practised by Muslims. It is a relatively new religion, having begun in 610CE, however there are no other names associated with it.

What is name of the people who worship Islam?

Islam is a religion per God revelation of Quran to prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Followers of Islam are called Muslims. No Muslim worship Islam or Muhammad.

What is the name for the profit of Islam?

The name of the prophet of Islam is Mohammed.

What is the original religion of Islam?

AnswerIslam in its general meaning is full submission to God the one and only one God. From this view Islam origin goes back to the start of mankind. All prophets since then where calling to Islam in its general meaning, including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ismael, Isac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, Solomon,..., Jesus, and Mohamed. Muslims believe in all prophets as God prophets calling for Islam in its universal meaning.In the same understanding that religion per God revelations to prophet Moses is called Judaism, and that to prophet Jesus is called Christianity, religion per God revelations to prophet Mohamed is called the very name Islam. Islam religion has originated since year 610 AD by God revelation to prophet Mohamed through the Angel Gabriel (Jibril) of the first verse of Quran.

What is the name of the central prohet of Islam?

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is the last prophet of Islam .