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10^-12 metres.

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Q: What is the full wavelength of a gamma ray?
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Is there a ray with shorter wavelength than the gamma ray?

Cosmic rays have shorter wavelength than gamma rays

What is the wavelength of gamma ray?

The wavelength of a gamma-ray is 10-11 metres

What type of ray is gamma ray commonly known as?

well none, its either gamma ray or gamma radiation, it has the same wavelength as an x-ray but higher energy level.

What is the electromagnetic wave with the highest energy and shortest wavelength called?

A Gamma Ray

What has the longest wave length a Gamma wave microwave visible light or x-ray?

From that list, microwaves have the longest wavelength. Those four items would be arranged by wavelength like this: - Gamma ray (shortest) - X-ray - Visible light - Microwave (longest)

What kind of wave is a gamma ray?

A gamma ray is an electromagnetic wave. It has the highest frequency (and energy) as well as the shortest wavelength on any wave on the electromagnetic spectrum.

What is a gamma rays mass?

A gamma ray has no mass as it is a part of the electromagnetic spectrum. It is similar in properties to light, it is just at a smaller wavelength.

What is Compton effect?

The increase in wavelength of electromagnetic radiation, especially of an x-ray or a gamma-ray photon, scattered by an electron.

Which wave in the EM spectrum has the shortest wavelength?

Gamma rays have the shortest wavelength. Electromagnetic wave is a kind of energy being propagated even through free space (vacuum). It is classified based on the mode of producing it as Radio waves, micro waves, infra red, visible, ultra violet, X-ray and Gamma ray. Out of these seven, radio waves have the lowest frequency and Gamma ray has the highest frequency. As frequency and wavelength are inversely related, radio wave would have the longest wavelength.

What does increasing the frequency of X or Gamma ray do to its wavelength?

Increasing the frequency of any electromagnetic wave ... or of any wave for that matter ... decreases its wavelength.

Does the intensity of Xrays and gamma rays differ?

Intensity is independent of frequency or wavelength. So whether it is Xray or gamma ray both can have the same intensity.

What are all the radiations?

Radiation is photon or light. We give name for radiation by its' range of wavelength. Those with wavelength < 0.001 nm is called gamma ray, those below gamma to just about 0.1 nm is x-ray and those below x-ray are UV and visible light. Our visible light is light with wavelength 400-700 nm below that are infrered, microwave and radiowave.