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the function of the sharp claw like spur on a cockerels is to fend off the opposition and to protect his flock of hens from other rival cockerel. Also the hens have claws and toes to perch on a branch or something all chickens have to do it other wise there feet will go bad.

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The claws are used to scratch at the earth to expose bugs and turn over leaves again to expose bugs and seeds

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Q: What is the function and a chicken's claws?
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Do chickens has sharp claws?

Yes, chickens do has really dangerous and really sharp claws. These claws are really strong and can kill just in a second.

When do chickens get talons?

When they are born out of the egg, but they are normally referred to as claws.

Why are chickens raised?

For their meat and eggs, and also some are for their down or beaks/claws.

Do chickens need their claws trimmed?

Chickens do not need their claws to be trimmed because they actually serve several purposes. They use them to dig around in the dirt to find food, like bugs, and help chickens keep their balance while moving around.

What is the function of the claws?

The Kiwi has strong, sharp claws which it uses to search for food, and to construct a burrow.

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What is the function of eagle claws?

To hold on branches and to catch prey

What is its function of chicken?

The function of a chicken, like all animals, is to reproduce and spread their genetic code to further diversify their species. Humans may view the function of chickens as a resource for food, feathers, and similar products of chickens.

What is the function of a claws?

To scratch in the soil to uncover insects and seeds to eat.

What is the function of a chickens trachea?

The function of a chicken's trachea is similar to humans. It is the windpipe, and it carries air into their lungs.

Why do ferrets have claws?

Because they are meat-eaters. The claws help them catch, dissect, and devour their prey. In the wild, a ferret's diet would mainly consist of small chickens/chicks, birds, mice, and other such small creatures.

Do weasels kill chickens in an enclosed pen?

Yes, weasels can kill a chicken with their razor sharp teeth and claws. Weasels are known to kill many chickens for their survival.