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To protect the spinal cord. This is the function of vertebrae in all vertebrate animals: fish, lizards, lions, bats, etc., not just dogs. It also give structural support for the posture of land-based animals.

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One is they serve as protection for the spinal cord

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14y ago

It's the thirteen vertebrae of the chest.

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Q: What is the function for the vertebrae in dogs?
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How many vertebrae in a dog's spine?

Dogs have a total of thirty vertebrae in their spines. They have seven cervical vertebrae, thirteen thoracic vertebrae, seven lumbar vertebrae and three sacral vertebrae.

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Its primary purpose is to act as a shock absorber between adjacent vertebrae. Spinal discs also act as ligaments that hold the vertebrae of the spine together

What is the function of the spinal?

the spinal vertebrae helps your back up and moving

Is a dogs tail one bone or several?

Many. It's tail has many vertebrae in it

What are vertebrae and what is their function?

A vertebrae are bones in the spinal column (also called spine or backbone)The function of the spinal column is to protect the soft spinal cord and to support the body and hold the head upright.Plural for vertebra. Bony segments forming the human spinal column.31-33 total vertebrae (most adults have 33 total vertebrae)Cervical vertebrae (C1-C7): 7Thoracic vertebrae (T1-T12): 12Lumbar vertebrae (L1-L5): 5Sacral vertebrae (S1-S5): 5Coccygeal vertebrae: 3-5IT IS THE SMALL BONES THAT FORM THE SPINAL CORDvertebrae i a series of bones to make up the spine. A vertabrae is an animal with a back bone. There are five classes of vertabrae: amphibeans, birds, fish, mamals, and reptiles.

Is a dog an inverabrate?

No, because dogs have backbones (vertebrae) A slug, earthworm, or tse-tse fly are invertebrates.

Which bone protects the back bone?

None. Your back bone, or vertebrae, protects your spinal column, which is a membrane with nerves running down it that help control your muscle movements and organ function in your body.

What is the primary function of the neural spine of the lumbar vertebra?

Attachment of the ligaments that hold the vertebrae together and the muscles that move them

What is the function of the inter vertebral disks?

Shock absorbent between each vertebrae which keeps them separated when impacted by movement

What are the names of the five different types of vertebrae in the vertebral column?

Vertebrae are divided into sections: the atlas and axis account for the first cervical vertebrae, of which there are 7 in total; there are 12 thoracic vertebrae, 7 lumbar vertebrae, 1 sacrum (5 separate vertebrae in a baby), and 1 coccyx (4 separate vertebrae in a baby).

What are the three types of vertebrae?

cervical vertebrae thoracic vertebrae. lumbar vertebrae