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Q: What is the function of ADODB?
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What is the difference between adodc and adodb?

The main difference between ADODC and ADODB is that whereas ADODB is a class library, ADODC is just but a data control. The other difference is that ADODC uses the system resources more compared to the ADODB.

How do you connect to a database and table using ADODB?

How do you connect to a database and table using ADODB?

Difference between adodb and adodc?

Very simple difference between adodc and adodb is "C" and "B".. he he he kidding... adodc is a data control and adodb is a class library, adodc good to use but some time it produce error for "multiple operation". With adodb can data bound dynamically, other hand can say if u r making big software so use ADODB and use ADODC is suitable for small projects.

What is ADODB connection in vbnet?

Refer to related links.

How do you connect db2 and mysql?

Take a shot at adoDB - find it here:

How can you link access with Visual basic?

you can link MS access in VB by using ADO methods ADODC and ADODB..

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Wat is te difference between ADO, ADODB, OLEDB and ODBC What is the difference between ADO, ADODB, OLEDB and ODBC

What is full form of ADODB?

ADODB = ActiveX Data Objects for Data Base. The ADODB is collection of methods to access the data from the database for Applications developed using Microsoft Visual Studio. Example: Taken from Microsoft's MSDN-Oct-2005CLEARLOCAL oConn as "adodb.connection"LOCAL oRS as "adodb.recordset"oConn = CREATEOBJECT('adodb.connection')oRS = CREATEOBJECT('adodb.recordset')cConnStrng = ;"Provider=vfpoledb;Data Source="+HOME(2)+"Northwind\Northwind.dbc"oConn.Open(cConnStrng)oConn.BeginTrans()oConn.Execute("UPDATE Customers SET contactname = 'Patricio X. Simpson';WHERE customerid='CACTU'")oRS = oConn.Execute("SELECT * FROM customers WHERE customerid = 'CACTU'")?oRS.Fields("contactname").ValueoConn.RollbackTrans()oRS.Requery()?oRS.Fields('contactname').ValueoRS.Close()oConn.Close()

How do you connect to mysql using vb6?

Install the MyODBC database connector.Set up an new ODBC connection to your mysql database in Windows. (This will vary based on your version of Windows)You can use the ADODB extension in VB to connect to your ODBC connection.

What are the six functions of language?

The six functions of language are expressive (to express thoughts and feelings), directive (to give commands or requests), informative (to provide information), phatic (to establish social contact), aesthetic (to create beauty or evoke emotions), and metalinguistic (to discuss language itself).

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The parent function of the exponential function is ax