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Q: What is the function of a hoof of goat?
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What is the goat's hoof called?

A hoof.

Is the hoof of a goat parted into two or is it only one full hoof?

The goat hoof is separated into two "toes".

What is the function of a hoof?

The function of the hoof is to support the weight of the animal and protect its feet from rocky conditions. The hoof also protects the internal structures of the foot.

what is the different between the hoof of the cow ,horse, goat, and sheep?

There is none.

What is hoof trimming of goat?

When you trim their hooves ie cut their toe nails.

Could your goat get hoof rot?

Yes this is also known as footrot, caused by Dichelobacter nodosus

What are the function of mountain goats' hooves?

mountain goat is its hooves's protect the mountain goat from danger and harm and also its function is to walk

How do you get a goat to sleep long enough to trim his hooves?

You don't need to wait for a goat to fall asleep to trim its hooves. You just need two people - one to hold the goat in a standing position and the other to lift each hoof and trim it.

Which animal having hoof?

hoofed animals are mammal. Example. horse, cow, pony, goat and many other more

What is the function of a billy goat?

To get female goats, does, pregnant.

What is the function of a mountain goat?

to help it fight other animals

What is the functions of goat?

The main function of the goat ear is to enable the goat to hear. Using its ears, a goat can hear potential threats.