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Q: What is the function of bimetallic strip thermometer?
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What is a bimetallic thermometer?

A bimetallic thermometer uses a bimetallic strip wrapped into a coil. This strip usually consists of either steel and copper or steel and brass. A bimetallic thermometer is a type of thermometer made with a couple metal strips. They have differing thermal expansions that are brazen together. Any distortion in this apparatus caused by variations in the temperature is used to measure the temperature.

What is a bimetallic?

A bimetallic thermometer uses a bimetallic strip wrapped into a coil. This strip usually consists of either steel and copper or steel and brass. A bimetallic thermometer is a type of thermometer made with a couple metal strips. They have differing thermal expansions that are brazen together. Any distortion in this apparatus caused by variations in the temperature is used to measure the temperature.

Why the copper use in bimetallic strip thermometer?

copper capture the exact temperature of the body

What happens when bimetallic strip is heated?

The bimetallic strip bends.

Why are two different metals needed when making a bimetallic strip for a thermoteter?

because the strip has to go inside the thermometer so it needs to metals just to make it go inside the thermometer :) #loving my life :)

What is bimetallic strip made of?

A bimetallic strip is made out of steel and iron

Explain why a bimetallic strip is used in a rotary thermometer instead of a strip with only one kind of metal.?

A bimetallic strip is made from two different metals that expand at a different rates. Two strips of these metals are bonded together, and when the temperature changes, one side expands more than the other, forcing the bimetallic strip to curl (the longer side would be on the outside of the curl). So if one end is clamped, the other moves. This motion is used to turn the dial of the thermometer.

What is a bimetallic strip and where can it be used?

A bimetallic strip is a strip with two metals bonded together. It can be found in thermostats

Which two metals are used in bimetallic strip?

A bimetallic strip is made out of copper and steel.

What is the Operating principle of a bimetallic strip?

A bimetallic strip is used to convert a temperature change into mechanical displacement.

What are the function of Bimetallic thermometer?

A bimetallic thermometer has a coil of metal strips in it. The metal strips are made of two different materials that expand/contract at different rates. Because they're connected together at one end, when the metals warm up or cool down, the coil changes shape. You use a bimetallic thermometer when you want an electrical circuit to close due to a change of temperature.