

What is the function of left atruim?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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By the time the atrium contracts, most of the available volume of the ventricle is filled already; the atrium just serves to 'top up' blood to ensure the ventricles are able to operate at full capacity if necessary.

Apart from the sino-atrial node in the right atrium, the atria are largely unnecessary for human function. They increase exercise tolerance, but exercise is still very possible without them (for example in people with asymptomatic atrial fibrillation). They have no valves to stop backflow of blood into the pulmonary veins when they contract so their contraction isn't very hard anyway. And because by the end of ventricular contraction so little volume is left in the heart, when the ventricles relax the negative pressure fills the ventricle very adequately.

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