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The mucus coats the inside of your stomach to prevent the strong hydrochloric acids in your stomach from wearing your stomach away and creating a hole. The acid is so strong, that if it was outside the body, it could burn a hole in your shirt.

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Q: What is the function of mucus that coats the stomach wall?
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What protect the stomach wall from acid?

The stomach wall is protected by mucus. The mucus regenerates about every 2 weeks or so.

Why does the stomach have a thick muscle wall?

The function of the stomach wall is to protect your stomach from eating itself. It has a coating of mucus on the inside that renews itself every three days and stops the hydrochloric acid in your stomach from dissolving itself.

What is the cells present in the stomach?

Hi:) there is a wall of mucus on the inside of your stomach. The mucus is there so that the acid in your stomach doesn't eat through your stomach. If you didn't have that wall of mucus you would have a big hole in your stomach, and I am pretty sure NO ONE wants that. Basically the wall of mucus that is in your stomach is a shield.

What happens if stomach did not have a lining of mucus?

the gastric juices in your stomach eat the stomach wall and you will die

How is the stomach protected from acid?

The stomach is protected from acid by mucus, a slippery substance. The mucus covers the inside of the whole stomach. If there is a patch of mucus that is not there then it will cause a lot of pain from the acid.

What does mucus in gastric juice do?

It protects the stomach wall from acid

What is the change to the stomach after you get stomach ulcers?

your stomach has a coating of mucus on the inside to protect it from the acid. ulcers occur when the mucus is not produced fast enough and the acid begins burning the stomach wall

How can human stomachs withstand stomach acid?

the inside of the stomach constantly secretes mucus, which protects the stomach wall.

What does mucus do in the stomach?

The mucus lining in the stomach is actually a protection barrier between the stomach and it's own acids. A new layer of mucus is created bi-weekly so that the acids in the stomach don't burn through the stomach and eventually the entire body.

What does the wall of the contain?

The walls of the stomach contain a thick layer of mucus. The stomach itself is filled with pepsin and Hydrochloric acid in order to digest food. The thick layer of mucus prevents these acids from digesting the wall of your stomach. Occasionally this mucus recedes and some of the acid can get in. When this occurs, it causes a Peptic Ulcer.

What is damaged section of the stomach lining?

The stomach is a naturally acid environment protected by a thick layer of mucus. If the mucus wears thin, the acid can attack the stomach wall itself. That is called an ulcer.

Why does the stomach maintain its integrity?

The stomach wall is coated in thick mucus to block the gastric acid. The stomach also quickly generates new layers of flesh if a hole is made in the coat of mucus