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Rota-tors cuff is formed by four muscles. 1)Subscapularis. 2)Supraspinatus.3) Infraspinatus.4) Teres minor. They ALL are inserted surrounding the head of Humerus. Head of the Humerus is four times as large as Glenoid cavity on Scapula bone, in order to allow almost all sort of movements liberally, you should have lax ligaments, witch will promote dislocation of joint and strong ligaments will restrict the movement. Now you are there ! All muscles of Rota-tor cuff ACT AS CONTRACTING LIGAMENTS and keep the head of the humerus constantly in apposition with Glenoid cavity.(Lab-rum !) in all types of shoulder joint movements and so joint is mobile and stable also. (GOD is great !)

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6mo ago

The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that surround the shoulder joint. Its main function is to stabilize the joint and assist in shoulder movements, such as lifting and rotating the arm. It also helps to keep the head of the upper arm bone (humerus) within the shallow socket of the shoulder blade (scapula).

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Q: What is the function of rota-tors cuff in case of shoulder joint?
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Is the shoulder distal to the hips?

The hip joint has a stronger labial rim combined with the ligament and capsule. The ball sits deeper in the socket than the shoulder. Shoulder joints have more range of motion (mobility) but less stability.

What would happen if the joint between your arm and shoulder was not a ball and socket joint?

If the joint between your arm and shoulder was not a ball and socket joint, you could not be able to move your arm. Ball and socket joints allow you to move in most directions. Because of this, you can move your arm up, down, side to side, front and back, and around in a circle. The ball and socket joint is one of the four major kinds of movable joints. (The four major joints are ball and socket joints, gliding joints, hinge joints, and pivotal joints in case you didn't know.)

What movements types do ball and socket joints allow?

The Ball and Socket Joint is located on top of the arm and on top of the leg.This allows full 360 degree rotation of the arm and leg.. and is also known as a 'Freely Moveable Joint'conclusion:Ball and socket joint allows full rotation.Located on top of the arm and on top of the leg.

What are the angle in extension of elbow joint?

In my particular case I am able to straighten my arm short of about 5 degrees to what it used to do and short of about 10 degrees when I try the other way that is I just miss out on being able to put my right hand on my right shoulder. I had the elbow replacement done about a year ago.

Is the costosternal joint a synovial joint?

Synovial joints allow for movement between the articulating bones (in this case the sternum and the clavicle). The articulating bones are covered in articular cartilage, which are connected with ligaments and lined with a synovial membrane. There is a fluid-filled sac between these types of joints to reduce the amount of friction with movement and the fluid inside of these sacs is called synovial fluid.

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It would seem that it would be called that but when dealing with the arms and legs, the positional anatomy only involves the attachment to the body. We use proximal and distal and not inferior and superior. The point of attachment (POT) is the shoulder joint. Since the elbow is further away from the POT, is said to be distal. And the shoulder joint is proximal to the elbow. You must always use two things to compare. In this case the elbow and the shoulder.

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In the study of anatomy and physiology, you will notice that 'form follows function'. This means that (in this case), the hip must carry the major weight of the body and doing so in a way that it will function to carry us while running, walking and doing other tasks. The shoulder does not have to carry that weight and doesn't need to be so stable. It can be more flexible. It is thought that, as we developed as hominids and then humans, that the ability to use the shoulder for throwing weapons was a major step in our development as thinking animal.

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The hip joint has a stronger labial rim combined with the ligament and capsule. The ball sits deeper in the socket than the shoulder. Shoulder joints have more range of motion (mobility) but less stability.

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If the joint between your arm and shoulder was not a ball and socket joint, you could not be able to move your arm. Ball and socket joints allow you to move in most directions. Because of this, you can move your arm up, down, side to side, front and back, and around in a circle. The ball and socket joint is one of the four major kinds of movable joints. (The four major joints are ball and socket joints, gliding joints, hinge joints, and pivotal joints in case you didn't know.)

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If I remember from anatomy...the ankle is a synovial joint (movement at the point of contact at bones) that connects the distal ends of the tibia and fibula to the proximal end of the talus bone in the foot.....distal means the most distant of 2 or more things in this case bones and proximal means towards the beginning of 2 or more things.