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Q: What is the function of surface antigens on RBCs?
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What are antigens determining blood type carried on?

Antigens, by definition, cause the body to produce antibodies which act against them. You inherit certain antigens which are on your red blood cells. Sometimes these antigens are absent from your RBC. If you are type B, you have B antigens. Type A has A antigens, AB has AB antigens and type O has no antigens. If you are type AB, you can receive AB blood from some one else.

Which group is the universal donor and why?

O negative blood group is universal donor, it is bcz it haz no agglutinogen (antigens which r specific proteins on the surface of RBCs), so when transfused there will be no agglutinogen in it to react with agglutinins(defencive prteins /antibodies) present in the recipients blood. O (oh) is actually zero that indicates that no antigens are present on RBC surface.

What determine the ABO blood group in the plasma membrane of rbcs?

The ABO blood group is determined by the presence or absence of specific antigen molecules on the surface of red blood cells. These antigens are determined by the inherited genes from our parents. There are three main types of antigens that determine the ABO blood group: A, B, and O. The combination of these antigens results in different blood types: A, B, AB, and O.

What r antigens in a human body?

Antigens are substances that cause an immune response in the body by identifying substances in or markers on cells

What is function of rbcs?

to transport oxygen all around the body.

How are antigens removed from bacteria?

Macrophages ( in the lymph nodes ) act like phagocytes to engulf and digest the pathogen. But they do not fully digest it. They separate out the antigens and incorporate them into a cell surface molecule. This is exposed on the surface of the macrophage, which becomes known as an antigen-presenting cell. Its function is to find the lymphocytes that can neutralise that particular antigen.

What typoes of cells produce antigens?

All cells produce antigens, or cell surface markers. The only question is whether the antigens are self antigens which means they belong in the body or they're foreign antigens which means they are an invading bacteria or virus (or a cancerous cell).

The functions of antibodies is to?

Function of antibodies is to neutralizes the antigens that enters.

Which blood type has 2 different antigens on the surface of the red blood cell?

Blood type AB has both A and B antigens.

What are the different kind of human cells?

I know that there are red and white blood cells that are made up of antigens and antibodies as well as plasma and platelets. RBCs and WBCs are the main cells

The antigens of the ABO blood group are located in the?

on the surface of the RBC membrane

A persons blood type depends on the presence or absence of certain proteins called?

A & B antigens on the surface of the read blood cells