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what is the function of the annulus, nucleus, neurovascular capsule, and cartilaginous endplate

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Q: What is the function of the annulus?
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What is a basal annulus?

A basal annulus is a mushroom with an annulus located near the bottom of the stem.

When was Monetaria annulus created?

Monetaria annulus was created in 1758.

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What is the annulus on a mushroom for?

An annulus is the ring like structure sometimes found on the stipe of a mushroom.

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Is the cross section of hollow cylider is called annulus?

Yes. An annulus is a circular disc with a concentric circular disc cut out of it.

What is annulus?

We all have cartilaginous discs that separate the spinal bones, or vertebraes, from each other. These discs allow for movement within the spine. Each disc has a fibrous outside, called the annulus fibrosus, and a liquid center, called the nucleus pulposus. Think of a disc as a jelly donut. The jelly is the nucleus and the donut is the annulus. If the fibers of the inner annulus tear, the jelly nucleus, which is tightly held in the center, follows the path of least resistance and pushes towards the wall of the annulus. When this happens, the wall of the annulus is warped and appears to bulge or protrude. This is known as a protruding annulus or ,in other words, a bulging disc. If the annulus continues to weaken and tear, the nucleus has potential to eject from the disc. The annulus will no longer be bulging, as the wall has opened and the jelly nucleus has squeezed out or herniated. This now constitutes a herniated disc.

What is a VR Plug?

VR plug is a mechanical plug inserted in thru the annulus valve and set in a profile on tubing head spool. Its function is to provide a mechanical barrier before replacing an annulus valve. VR plug is normally installed using a VR lubricator, this is to safely install the plug and avoiding exposing the well directly to the atmosphere.

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What is left foraminal annular tear?

A left foraminal annular tear is when the annulus fibrosus rips or tears. The annulus fibrosus is the tough exterior of the intervertebral disc.

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The annulus fibrosus and nucleus pulposus are components of what?

Inter-vertebral disc