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The dendrites receive the data or signal from another neuron for the soma.

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Agnes Bogan

Lvl 13
2y ago
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10y ago

They are the main receptive of input regions. They provide an enormous surface area for receiving signals from other neurons. in the brain it collects information.

Dendrites give stability to microstructures.

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11y ago

Dendrites receive incoming information from axon terminals.

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11y ago

receive information and conduct it toward the cell body

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12y ago

Centrifugal conduction ie towards the perikaryon/cell body/soma

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14y ago

they are a important part of the mamalian imune system

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Q: What is the function of the dendrites in the neurons?
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What is the function of the dentrites?

Dendrites are attaches to the axon terminals of other neurons. The nerve impulse travel from other neurons into the corresponding neuron via dendrites.

What is the function of the dendrites and axon?

A very basic explanation would say that axons are the structures of neurons that conduct electrical impulses ("messages") away from the cell body, and that dendrites are the structures of neurons that conduct electrical impulses toward the cell body.

Dendrites found on unipolar neurons are part of what?

Dendrites found on unipolar neurons are part of the sensory receptor that detects stimuli such as touch, pressure, vibration, and temperature. They transmit this sensory information to the neuron's cell body, which then processes and transmits the signal to the central nervous system.

Short branched extensions of a neuron?

Dendrites are the short branched extensions of a neuron that receive signals from other neurons and transmit them towards the cell body. They play a crucial role in integrating incoming signals and allowing nerve cells to communicate with each other.

Do axons carry messages received by the dendrites to other neurons?

Yes! The axon carries messages received by the dendrites to other neurons.

What is a function of dendrites?

They are the main receptive of input regions. They provide an enormous surface area for receiving signals from other neurons. in the brain it collects information. Dendrites give stability to microstructures.

The cerebral cortex is the:a.gray matter, the axons and dendrites of neuronsb.gray matter, the cell bodies of neurons?

A.) The grey matter, the axons and dendrites of neurons.

What do dendrites do for the neuron?

Dendrites receive inputs from other neurons, via synapses.

What are the short fibers that extend from the neuron called?

They are called dendrites

What is false about neurons?

this is not true about neurons: dendrites carry information away from the cell body

Where on the neurons are the dendrites located?

Around the cell body

Structure neurons that receives electrical signals?
