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Around the cell body

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Q: Where on the neurons are the dendrites located?
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The cytoplasmic extensions that provide the main receptive surfaces for neurons are what?


Neurons are composed of a network of fine threads called?

Axons of neurons terminate in a series of fine extensions known as dendrites.

Does Dendrites generate and send signals to other cells?

Dendrites are a characteristic of neurons. Neurons are comprised of a soma, or cell body, dendrites, and axons. The soma is located in the center of the neuron and is the location of the nucleus, mitochondria, and other organelles. The dendrites are attached to the cell body; there can be multiple dendrites, up to thousands, or there can be just one. The final structure is what is called an axon. A neuron can only have one axon, which can branch off. At the end of the axon are end terminals, or terminal buttons. These are what "connect" to other neurons (by connecting to their dendrites). The connection goes: terminal button, dendrite, soma, axon, terminal button, dendrite, soma, etc. However, the terminal button and dendrite never actually come in contact; they are separated by a very small gap known as the synaptic cleft.

What impulse conduction is the fastest in neurons?

Axons conduct the nerve impulses. Dendrites receive the impulses. Possible the impulses go through the dendrites faster, though the synaptic cleft may slow this pathway. Dendrites are much shorter than axons.

The most type of neuron in the human body is?

Multipolar neurons This is the most common type of neuron, with one axon and many dendrites. Multipolar neurons are so-named because they have many (multi-) processes that extend from the cell body: lots of dendrites plus a single axon. Functionally, these neurons are either motor (conducting impulses that will cause activity such as the contraction of muscles) or association (conducting impulses and permitting 'communication' between neurons within the central nervous system).

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Dendrites found on unipolar neurons are part of what?

They are sensory neurons. :)

Short branched extensions of a neuron?

In neurons, short, tapering, diffusely branched processes from the cell body are known as the dendrites. If the dendrites are short/tapering and diffusely branched, then this is referring to the dendrites of motor neurons.

Dendrites are branching extensions of?


Do axons carry messages received by the dendrites to other neurons?

Yes! The axon carries messages received by the dendrites to other neurons.

The cerebral cortex is the:a.gray matter, the axons and dendrites of neuronsb.gray matter, the cell bodies of neurons?

A.) The grey matter, the axons and dendrites of neurons.

What do dendrites do for the neuron?

Dendrites receive inputs from other neurons, via synapses.

What are the short fibers that extend from the neuron called?

They are called dendrites

Where in the body does a dendrite work?

The dendrites is the the ends of neuron cells. Neurons are located all over the body and all have dendrites at the end of them. Dendrites receive nerve signals are the body to let the brain know how what is the body feeling and how it should react.

What is false about neurons?

this is not true about neurons: dendrites carry information away from the cell body

What are 3 types of neurons?

Functional types of neurons: 1. sensory (afferent) neurons - input to CNS from sensory receptors; dendrites located at receptors, axons in nerves, cell bodies in ganglia outside the CNS 2. motor (efferent) neurons - output from CNS to effectors cell bodies and dendrites located in the CNS, axons in nerves 3. interneurons - communicate and integrate information within the CNS; located entirely within the CNS

Structure neurons that receives electrical signals?


What conducts impulses toward the cell body?

Dendrites conduct impulses toward the cell body, having synapsed with the axons of other neurons.