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ewww gross! why would you even want to dissect a pig or any kind of animal!! that is utterly disgusting!!!! now if your smart enough then you would let your partner or whoever your paired up with do all the work!!!!

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Q: What is the function of the diaphragm from the dissection of the pig?
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What is the difference between fetal-pig version and cat version?

For the dissection of a cat , you will be needing a cat version while for the dissection of a pig you'll be needing a pig version.

Does the diaphragm function in fetus pig?

No, because it gets it's gas exchange done by it's mother.

What is the meaning of Fetal Pig Dissection?

The meaning of Fetal Pig Dissection is to cut apart the pig fetus. They are a byproduct of the park food industry. This is done to study how pigs bodies work.

What separates the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavity?

That part is called as diaphragm. You need to see the same in dissection hall in cadaver.

What system does the diaphragm belong in the fetal pig?

The diaphragm in a fetal pig attaches to the abdominal and thoracic cavity. It is used to help the pig breath.

To which system does the diaphragm belongs in a pig?

The diaphragm belongs to the respiratory system in a pig. The diaphragm performs its functions by expanding and contracting to regulate the air in the lungs.

Does the diaphragm function in a pig fetus?

No, the diaphragm does not function in a pig fetus. The pig fetus has no need to breathe prior to birth, it receives oxygen through the umbilical cord.

What body system is the diaphragm of a pig in?


How long can a fetal pig live?

A fetal pig is an unborn pig used in schools for dissection. Therefore, a fetal pig doesn't have a life span, because they never actually lived.

What structure divides the thoracic and abdominal cavitities in the fetal pig?

Diaphragm - same thing that divides it in all mammals.

What do you learn from a cat dissection?

What its guts look like and how they function

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a fetal pig dissection?

Fetal pig dissections can be very advantageous for learning the anatomy of a pig. However, some organs are underdeveloped and can't be studied in depth.