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Q: What is the function of the double lipid layer?
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What is nuclear membrane's function?

It's a is a double lipid bi-layer that encloses the genetic material in eukaryote cells.

Are lipid droplets membrane bound?

The membrane the surrounds the droplets 'in question' is made up from lipids. A single layer of lipid molecules surrounds a 'micelle', whereas a double lipid layer forms a membrane.

What is the basic struture of a cell membrane?

Its a enclosed double layer of phospholids(lipid bayler)

Cell Membranes are contructed mainly of?

Cell membranes are made of a phospholipid bilayer.

What is a Biological Membrane?

A biological membrane or biomembrane is an enclosing that acts as a barrier within or around a cell. It is, almost always, a lipid bilayer, composed of a double layer of lipid-class molecules, specifically phospholipids, with occasional proteins intertwined, some of which function as channels chris mama

How is the cell membrane involved in regulating osmosis?

It is semi-permeable to water, in which water can pass it through the double lipid layer or through proteins crossing the double layer of the cell membrane.

What is a double layer of membrane that surrounds the nucleus?

It is called the nuclear envelope composed of a double lipid bilayer.

What cell is insulated by a fatty layer?

The cell that is insulated by a fatty layer is the myelin sheath. It is the fatty insulator around the neurons (nerve).

What molecules form the double layer of cell membranes?

A double layer of phospholipids makes up most of your cell membranes

What is in the center of the plasma membrane?

The lipid tails are found in the centre of the membrane. The membrane is made out of phospholipids. These have a phosphate head which is hydrophilic and a lipid tail that is hydrophobic. This form a bilayer (double-layer).

Which dermis layer stores lipid?

The reticular layer of the dermis.

Why the double bond in unsaturated fatty acid chain cause bend and what is the effect of that bend on the overall function of lipid?

the double bond causes bending of the lipid because of the cis and trans conformers of the lipid , and the effect of that bending (such as in oleic acid) will make packaging of fatty acids harder.