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Q: What is the function of the fluorescent DNA stain?
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How feulgen stain DNA and RNA?

fuelgen stain DNA

What is an auramine?

An auramine is any of a family of fluorescent dyes used to stain tissues for fluorescence microscopy.

Flouresecnt dyes are used in DNA electrophoresis?

fluorescent dyes is used to color-code during dna by changing the color

What is the function of most DNA in your body?

The function of most DNA is to build and maintain an organism.

What is the function of the capacitor in the fluorescent lamp?

A capacitor is placed across the supply of a fluorescent lamp circuit to correct the power factor

What dye is used to stain the bands of DNA?

it depends on the animal

Why do you stain a cell with iodine?

Iodine is an important "marker element" in biology. It is used to trace certain substances such as DNA or RNA during analysis of nucleic acids in a cell. When observing a cell, iodine is used to mark the DNA or RNA in the nucleus and mitochondrion of a cell for easy viewing. So in a way, iodine is a fluorescent organelle highlighter or tag.

What is the function of DNA chromosomes?

The main function of DNA chromosomes is to carry genes.

What region of the DNA does the giemsa stain dye?

Giemsa stain binds the regions with high content of adenine-thymine complex.

What is the main function of phosphor in the fluorescent?

the poo gives us light

What is the function of most of the DNA in the body?

Most of the DNA in humans appears to have no genetic function.

What is the function of capacitor across the supply to the fluorescent lamp when it is used?

A capacitor is placed across the supply of a fluorescent lamp circuit to correct the power factor