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The mucous membrane lines all body cavities that open to the exterior, such as those of hollow organs of the respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive tracts.

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Q: What is the function of the mucous membrane of the human body?
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What are the types of membranes lining cavities that communicate with the exterior of the body?

Mucous Membrane

What are 3 functions of the mucus membrain?

The mucous membrane line all exterior openings to your body. Their main function is to protect your body from disease. That is mostly their only function except for being annoying.

What lines cavities that communicate with the exterior of the body?

Mucous Membrane

What body tissue forms mucous serous and epidermal membrane?

Epithelium :)

Can you get drunk via a mucous membrane?

line and protect the inside of your body

Which membrane lines cavities that communicate with the exterior of the body?

mucous membranes

What type of epithelial tissue lines the respiratory tract?

Any body area that has an outlet to the out side is covered in a mucous membrane: respiratory tact. digestive tract, urinary tract, even the membrane that surrounds the orbit of the eye (eye ball).

How do phoshpolipids function in the human body?

The Phoshpholipid are the predominant lipids of cell membrane. They can act as anchors to cell proteins. Phospholipids can also exist out of cell membrane.

What membranes are called wet membranes?

Mucous membranes or mucosae are "wet" membranes. This is because they are continously bathed by secretions, except the mucous membranes of the urinary tract that is continously bathed with urine. Mucous, serous, and synovial

Another term for a mucous membrane is?

A mucous membrane is a layer of epithelial tissue which lines an area of the body which comes into contact with air. Mucous membranes are moist because of the presence of glands which secrete a thick fluid known as mucus, and they are important for a number of bodily functions. Mucous membranes line the urogenital tract, digestive tract, and respiratory tract, with one of the more well known mucous membranes being the lining of the interior of the nose. The moisture found in a mucous membrane acts to protect the body by creating a barrier and preventing the inside of the body from drying out. Mucus also traps pathogens, dirt, and particulate matter so that they can be sequestered and eliminated by the body. The nose is particularly famous for this, using mucus as a barrier between many harmful substances and the respiratory tract. Some sections of mucous membrane also have small hairs known as cilia which act as traps, and can move to push things across the surface of the membrane.

Where is the Carina located in the human body?

The carina lies at the tracheal area of the human body . The ridge lies to the left of the midline and objects s that go through the trachea are likely to enter the right bronchus. The mucous membrane of the carina is the most sensitive area of the trachea and larynx.

What are the function in body lipids?

they are fuelreserves of our body and forms as constitutes of membrane structure and regulate membrane permeability.