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exhaust gas is convert into the suitable air to transfer in inlet.

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Q: What is the function of turbo charger in d g?
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What does the pre order and post order traversals give in a complete binary tree with 7 nodes where the in order traversals gives GDEABCF?

It is a complete tree, so it has to be something like this: A D C G E B F preorder: A D G E C B F postorder: G E D B F C A

What is the c code for multistage graph?

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int G[50][50],n,i,j,h,k; void FGraph(); int findR(); void main() { clrscr(); printf("\t\t\tmultistage graph"); printf("\n enter the no of vertices:"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("\n there is a edge between the follwing vertices enter its weight else 0:\n"); for (i=1;i<=n;i++) for(j=1;j<=n;j++) { G[I][J]=0; IF(I!=J)&&(i<J)) { printf ("%d and%d:",i,j); scanf(%d,&G[i][j]); } } FGraph(); getch(); } void FGraph() { int cost[50],d[50],p[50],r; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) cost[i]=0; for(j=n-1;j>=1;j++) { r=findR(j+1); cost[j]=G[j][r]+cost[r]; d[j]=r; } p[1]=1;p[k]=n; for(j=2;j<k;j++) p[i]=d[p[j-1]]; printf("%d-",d[1]); for(j=2;j<n;j++) { if((d[j]==d[j-1])(d[j]==0)) continue; if(d[j]<=n) printf("%d-"d[j]); } printf("%d",n); } int findR(int cu) { int r1=n+1; for(h=1;h<=n;h++) {if((G[h][cu]!=0)&&(r1==n+1)){ r1=j; continue; } if(G[h][cu]!=0) { if(G[h][cu]<G[r1][cu]) r1=h; }} return r1; }sorry i have answerd in c++

Java program to display grade as per percentage of marks?

import java.util.Scanner; import static java.lang.Syatem.out; class Student { public static void main (String ar[]) { Scanner sc = new Scanner (; System.out.println("Enter % of Student : "); int G = sc.nextInt(); { if(90=<G) && (G=<100) System.out.println("Grsde is A+"); else { if(80=<G) && (G=<99) System.out.println("Grsde is A"); else { if(70=<G) && (G=<89) System.out.println("Grsde is B+"); else { if(60=<G) && (G=<79) System.out.println("Grsde is B"); else { if(50=<G) && (G=<69) System.out.println("Grsde is C+"); else { if(40=<G) && (G=<59) System.out.println("Grsde is C"); else { if(34=<G) && (G=<39) System.out.println("Grsde is D+"); else { if(G=33) System.out.println("Grsde is D"); else { if(G<32) System.out.println("Grsde is Fail"); else System.out.println("Invalid Entry"); } } } } } } } } } } }

How do you work out the numerator of a transfer function?

G(s)= 60Ka / s(s+2)(s+6) what is the numerator you have to use in MATLAB?

Example of ATM programing by turbo c?

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define pf printf #define s scanf int gd=DETECT, gm, pa, o, b; int i; int x, y, i,ch,c; int c, m, p, qn, cm, mp, cp, cmp, n, k, p1, g,qcm,qmp,qcp,qc,qm,qp; void main() { initgraph(&gd,&gm," "); cleardevice(); line(0,0,639,0); line(0,0,0,479); line(639,0,639,479); line(639,479,0,479); line(589,479,0,479); randomize(); for(i=0;i<640;i++) { setcolor(i); x=rand()%639; y=rand()%480; putpixel (x,y,i); { setcolor(RED); settextstyle(3,0,5); outtextxy(60,100, "PROJECT IN DISCRETE"); setcolor(RED); settextstyle(3,0,5); outtextxy(80,135, "MATHEMATICS"); setcolor(i); settextstyle(2,0,5); outtextxy(120,192,"SUBMITTED BY :"); setcolor(i); settextstyle(2,0,5); outtextxy(120,202,"Cabrera"); setcolor(i); settextstyle(2,0,5); outtextxy(120,214,"Gaspar"); setcolor(i); settextstyle(2,0,5); outtextxy(120,226,"Molina"); setcolor(i); settextstyle(2,0,5); outtextxy(120,238,"Viray"); } setcolor(i); settextstyle(2,0,5); outtextxy(400,350,"U P L O A D i N G..."); setcolor(WHITE); outtextxy(i,378,"="); outtextxy(i,406,"="); setcolor(WHITE); circle(i,400,10); delay(1); } cleardevice(); gotoxy(10,7); pf("Enter 1 for V E N N D I A G R A M "); gotoxy(10,8); pf("Enter 2 for S E T N O T A T I O N"); gotoxy(10,10); printf("Input: "); s("%d",&pa); cleardevice(); { if(pa==1) { { line(0,0,639,0); line(0,0,0,479); line(639,0,639,479); line(639,479,0,479); line(589,479,0,479); randomize(); for(i=0;i<640;i++) { setcolor(i); x=rand()%639; y=rand()%480; putpixel (x,y,i); { setcolor(i); settextstyle(9,0,5); outtextxy(60,100, "V E N N"); setcolor(i); settextstyle(9,0,5); outtextxy(80,165, "D I A G R A M"); } setcolor(i); settextstyle(2,0,5); outtextxy(400,350,"U P L O A D i N G..."); setcolor(YELLOW); outtextxy(i,378,"="); outtextxy(i,406,"="); setcolor(WHITE); circle(i,400,10); delay(1); } sleep(1); cleardevice(); } gotoxy(10,7); pf("Enter 1 if the Outside is missing. 3 Circle. "); gotoxy(10,8); pf("Enter 2 if the Total is missing. 3 Circle."); gotoxy(10,11); printf("Choice : "); s("%d",&p1); for(g=1;g<=8;g++) { if(p1==1) { cleardevice(); gotoxy(32,8); pf("Input the Values for the following variables:"); gotoxy(32,11); pf("X:"); gotoxy(32,12); pf("Y:"); gotoxy(32,13); pf("Z:"); gotoxy(32,14); pf("XY:"); gotoxy(32,15); pf("XZ:"); gotoxy(32,16); pf("YZ:"); gotoxy(32,17); pf("XYZ:"); gotoxy(32,18); pf("Outside:"); gotoxy(32,19); pf("Total Number:"); { if(g==1){gotoxy(42,18);pf("----");gotoxy(42,11);s("%d",&c);} if(g==2){gotoxy(42,18);pf("----");gotoxy(42,11);pf("%d",c);gotoxy(42,12);s("%d",&m);} if(g==3){gotoxy(42,18);pf("----");gotoxy(42,11);pf("%d",c);gotoxy(42,12);pf("%d",m);gotoxy(42,13);s("%d",&p);} if(g==4){gotoxy(42,18);pf("----");gotoxy(42,11);pf("%d",c);gotoxy(42,12);pf("%d",m);gotoxy(42,13);pf("%d",p);gotoxy(42,14);scanf("%d",&cm);} if(g==5){gotoxy(42,18);pf("----");gotoxy(42,11);pf("%d",c);gotoxy(42,12);pf("%d",m);gotoxy(42,13);pf("%d",p);gotoxy(42,14);pf("%d",cm);gotoxy(42,15);s("%d",&cp);} if(g==6){gotoxy(42,18);pf("----");gotoxy(42,11);pf("%d",c);gotoxy(42,12);pf("%d",m);gotoxy(42,13);pf("%d",p);gotoxy(42,14);pf("%d",cm);gotoxy(42,15);pf("%d",cp);gotoxy(42,16);s("%d",&mp);} if(g==7){gotoxy(42,18);pf("----");gotoxy(42,11);pf("%d",c);gotoxy(42,12);pf("%d",m);gotoxy(42,13);pf("%d",p);gotoxy(42,14);pf("%d",cm);gotoxy(42,15);pf("%d",cp);gotoxy(42,16);pf("%d",mp);gotoxy(42,17);s("%d",&cmp);} if(g==8){gotoxy(42,18);pf("----");gotoxy(42,11);pf("%d",c);gotoxy(42,12);pf("%d",m);gotoxy(42,13);pf("%d",p);gotoxy(42,14);pf("%d",cm);gotoxy(42,15);pf("%d",cp);gotoxy(42,16);pf("%d",mp);gotoxy(42,17);pf("%d",cmp);gotoxy(50,19);s("%d",&k);} cleardevice(); }} { qcm=cm-cmp; qmp=mp-cmp; qcp=cp-cmp; qc=c-(qcp+cmp+qcm); qm=m-(qcm+cmp+qmp); qp=p-(qcp+cmp+qmp); qn=k-(cmp+qcp+qcm+qmp+qc+qm+qp); } cleardevice(); setcolor(RED); rectangle(600,450,40,40); setcolor(YELLOW); circle(250,200,125); setcolor(GREEN); circle(375,200,125); setcolor(BLUE); circle(313,300,125); gotoxy(39,15); printf("%d",cmp); gotoxy(30,4); printf("X"); gotoxy(49,4); printf("Y"); gotoxy(23,12); printf("%d",qc); gotoxy(55,12); printf("%d",qm); gotoxy(39,23); printf("%d",qp); gotoxy(39,9); printf("%d",qcm); gotoxy(30,18); printf("%d",qcp); gotoxy(49,18); printf("%d",qmp); gotoxy(63,25); printf("%d",qn); gotoxy(39,27); setcolor(WHITE); outtextxy(310,435,"Z"); } for(g=1;g<=8;g++) { if(p1==2) {cleardevice(); gotoxy(32,8); pf("Input the Values for the following variables:"); gotoxy(32,11); pf("X:"); gotoxy(32,12); pf("Y:"); gotoxy(32,13); pf("Z:"); gotoxy(32,14); pf("XY:"); gotoxy(32,15); pf("XZ:"); gotoxy(32,16); pf("YZ:"); gotoxy(32,17); pf("XYZ:"); gotoxy(32,18); pf("Outside:"); gotoxy(32,19); pf("Total Number:"); { if(g==1){gotoxy(42,19);pf("----");gotoxy(42,11);s("%d",&c);} if(g==2){gotoxy(42,19);pf("----");gotoxy(42,11);pf("%d",c);gotoxy(42,12);s("%d",&m);} if(g==3){gotoxy(42,19);pf("----");gotoxy(42,11);pf("%d",c);gotoxy(42,12);pf("%d",m);gotoxy(42,13);s("%d",&p);} if(g==4){gotoxy(42,19);pf("----");gotoxy(42,11);pf("%d",c);gotoxy(42,12);pf("%d",m);gotoxy(42,13);pf("%d",p);gotoxy(42,14);scanf("%d",&cm);} if(g==5){gotoxy(42,19);pf("----");gotoxy(42,11);pf("%d",c);gotoxy(42,12);pf("%d",m);gotoxy(42,13);pf("%d",p);gotoxy(42,14);pf("%d",cm);gotoxy(42,15);s("%d",&cp);} if(g==6){gotoxy(42,19);pf("----");gotoxy(42,11);pf("%d",c);gotoxy(42,12);pf("%d",m);gotoxy(42,13);pf("%d",p);gotoxy(42,14);pf("%d",cm);gotoxy(42,15);pf("%d",cp);gotoxy(42,16);s("%d",&mp);} if(g==7){gotoxy(42,19);pf("----");gotoxy(42,11);pf("%d",c);gotoxy(42,12);pf("%d",m);gotoxy(42,13);pf("%d",p);gotoxy(42,14);pf("%d",cm);gotoxy(42,15);pf("%d",cp);gotoxy(42,16);pf("%d",mp);gotoxy(42,17);pf("%d",cmp);gotoxy(42,18);s("%d",&n);} cleardevice(); }} { qcm=cm-cmp; qmp=mp-cmp; qcp=cp-cmp; qc=c-(qcp+cmp+qcm); qm=m-(qcm+cmp+qmp); qp=p-(qcp+cmp+qmp); qn=k-(cmp+qcp+qcm+qmp+qc+qm+qp); } cleardevice(); setcolor(RED); rectangle(600,450,40,40); setcolor(YELLOW); circle(250,200,125); setcolor(GREEN); circle(375,200,125); setcolor(BLUE); circle(313,300,125); gotoxy(39,15); printf("%d",cmp); gotoxy(30,4); printf("X"); gotoxy(49,4); printf("Y"); gotoxy(23,12); printf("%d",qc); gotoxy(55,12); printf("%d",qm); gotoxy(39,23); printf("%d",qp); gotoxy(39,9); printf("%d",qcm); gotoxy(30,18); printf("%d",qcp); gotoxy(49,18); printf("%d",qmp); gotoxy(63,25); printf("%d",qn); gotoxy(39,27); setcolor(WHITE); outtextxy(310,435,"Z"); } } getche(); } { if(pa==2) { { line(0,0,639,0); line(0,0,0,479); line(639,0,639,479); line(639,479,0,479); line(589,479,0,479); randomize(); for(i=0;i<640;i++) { setcolor(i); x=rand()%639; y=rand()%480; putpixel (x,y,i); { setcolor(i); settextstyle(9,0,5); outtextxy(60,100, "S E T"); setcolor(i); settextstyle(9,0,5); outtextxy(50,165, "N O T A T I O N"); } setcolor(i); settextstyle(2,0,5); outtextxy(400,350,"U P L O A D i N G..."); setcolor(YELLOW); outtextxy(i,378,"="); outtextxy(i,406,"="); setcolor(WHITE); circle(i,400,10); delay(1); } sleep(1); cleardevice(); } printf("ogi"); getche(); } } cleardevice(); gotoxy(10,10); printf("--END--"); getche(); }

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What are the notes for national anthem of barbados on the recorder?

B, a, g, g, a, a, b, a, g, d, e, a, g, f#, g, b, a, g, g, a, a, b, a, g, b, a, g, f#, e, d, d, d', d', c', b, a, g, f#, d, d', d', c', b, a, f#, g, d, g, a, b, a, g, d, e, a, g, f#, g, d', d', d', d', d', d', e', d', b, c', c', b, b, a' d', d', d', d', d', d', e', d', b, c', c', b, b, a' d, g, d, g, a, b, a, g, d, e, a, g, e, d, d, g, d, g, a, b, a, g, d, e, c', b, a, g.

What are the flute notes for hanging tree song?

The notes are all natural: g a c d a a a g e g a a c d g a a a g a e d c d c a g a a a g e g g a c d g a a a g a g a c d e e d c a g a a c d e e d c a e g e d c a g a a a g e g g a c d g a a a g a g a c d a a a g e g g a a c d g a a g e e d c d c a g a a a g e g g a c d g a a a g a g a c d e e d c a g g a a c d e e d c a e g e d c a g a a a g e g g a c d g a a a g a REPEAT

How do you play Olympic fan fare?

g g g g g g g g g g g b b b b b b b b b b b (d =d sharp) d d d d d d d d d d c b a g b d

How much distance would a golf ball loose because of the difference in elevationof say 1000 feet?

In order to calculate you will need to assign a variable (g) to the golf ball, (d) for distance, and (e) for elevation. (g) is a function of both (d) and (e) so: g [(d*e)/x)]= [x-(d/g)] You can do the math.

What are the notes to fireflies on a trumpet?

C g g f g f c c d d c d f g a g f c c g f d c g g f g f c d d c d f g c c a g f c a g d f a g f c a g f g c f e d c e d c d f a g f d d f a g c d f f a g f d f g c g g f g f c c d d c d f g a g f c a g f d c g g f g f c d d c d f g c c a g f c a g d f a g f c a g f g c f e d c e d c d f a g f d d f a g c d f f a g f d f g c g f g f g f c c d f c d f c g g-f g-f g-a-f c d f c d f c g g-f g-f g-f-d c d f c d f c g g-f g-f g-a-f

What are the piano music notes for payphone?

Verse 1: (2x) B B B B B A B B B B B B A B B B B B B A A A A G G D B Pre-chorus: D D B A G D D D B A G D D D B A G G G G G G G A B Chorus: (4x) G B D G D B B D B G G B C B G G B A A G Verse 2: (2x) B B B B B A BB B B B B A B B B B B B A A A A G G D B Pre-chorus: D D B A G D D D B A G D D D B A G G G G G G G A B Chorus: (4x) G B D G D B B D B G G B C B G G B A A G Bridge: (2x) G B A A G G E D D D D A G D D D A G D D D A A G Chorus: (3x) G B D G D B B D B G G B C B G G B A A G Bridge: G B A A G G E D D D D A G D D D A G D D D A A G G B A A G G E D D D D A G D D D A G G B A A G] hope this helps:)

What are the piano notes for Oh susanna?

It is: G A B D D E D B G A B B A G A G A B D D E D B G A B B A A G G A B D D E D B G A B B A G A G A B D D E D B G A B B A A G C C E E E D D B G A B B A A G Hope this helps!

What are the chords for Amazing Grace on soprano flute recorder?

D g b g b a g e d d g b g b a b d' b d' b d' b g d e g g e d d g b g b a g