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Q: What is the function of two address instruction?
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What is the function of the program counter register?

The function of the program counter register is to hold the address of the instruction that is being executed and (later) to hold the address of the instruction that will be executed next.

What is the difference between three address instruction and two address instruction?

the differebce between three address instruction and two address instruction is three adresss instructoion two address instruction 1) here 3 oprarend fields are used 1) here 2 oprerand fields are used 2) the result is stored in 3rd operand 2) here the result is stored in 2nd oparend

What is the function of program counter?

program counter is a register that has the address of next instruction that has to be executed after currently executing instruction. it is used for proper execution of functions of computer by providing address of next instruction to microprocessor.

Z4a-b 19c 26 solve the given equation by using Three Address instruction Two Address instruction 1 Address Instruction and 0 Address Instruction?

There is no equation first of all because the given expression conveys no clue regarding destination or source......................?

Purpose of program counter in a microprocessor is?

In 8085 program counter stores the address of the next instruction which is to be fecthed.same function is performed by instruction pointer in 8086.

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What is the function of XRA instruction

What is the function of the PC register in the 8086 CPU?

There is no PC register in the 8086/8088. It is called the IP register by Intel and it stands for the Instruction Pointer. It contains the address of the current/next instruction to be executed.

What is 3 byte instruction in microprocessor?

A two-byte instruction gives the specific function instruction in two bytes, or two words. The first specifies the opcode, which tells the microprocessor what operation will occur. The second specifies the operand, or the data that the operation is done on.

What is Function of IP register in 8086?

The IP register contains the address of the next instruction to fetch and execute. Normally, IP is incremented by the number of bytes in the instruction after execution of that instruction, unless a transfer of control occurs, in which case IP is loaded with a new value.

What is a command to the CPU to perform one processing function on one or two data inputs?

An instruction is a command to the CPU to perform one processing function on one or two data inputs.

Which register in 8086 contains the address of the next instruction to be fetched?

program counter holds the address of the next instruction.

If the instruction contain four addresses what might be the purpose of each address?

1st address for operand. 2nd address for another operand. 3rd address for store the result. 4th address for next instruction.