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The ER functions as an intracellular highway.

There are two types of ERs- the rough ER and the smooth ER.

A. The rough ER has ribosomes bound to it.


1. It transports proteins for export, synthesized by ribosomes.

2. It makes membranes too.

3. It makes secretory proteins-proteins secreted by the cell- and transports them in vessicles (membranous sacs that walk along microtubles with protein "feet" powered by ATP) to the Golgi Body, which sort, processes, and packages them to different places.

B. The smooth ER has no ribosomes, but enzymes embedded in the membrane.


1. It synthesizes lipids (ex. phospholipids and steroids). For example, the ER in the ovaries and testes synthesize steroid hormones.

2. Enzymes in the smooth ER help regulate the amount of sugar released from liver cells into the blood stream.

3. Detoxifies alcohol and poison

4. storage of calcium ions

ex. Necessary for contraction of in muscle. When a nerve signal stimulates a muscle cell, calcium ions leak from the smooth ER into the cytoplasmic fluid, where they trigger the contraction of the cell.

5. In junction with the Golgi complex, it manufactures lysosomes (an organelle made of hydrolitic enzymes enclosed in a membranous sac which digests food) and peroxisomes (organelle which detoxifies poisons and creates hydrogen peroxide)

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What is the function in the plant cell rough ER?

Rough ER is usually found near the nucleus. Ribosomes on rough ER make many of the cell's proteins.

What is the function of Rough endoplasmic reteculume?

The rough ER is the site of protein synthesis as the ribosomes that stud it's surface put the growing polypeptide chain into the lumen of the rough ER. Also the rough ER is the site of some modifications to the protein before it goes to the Golgi body.

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How can you tell an rough er from a smooth er?

A rough er has ribosomes while a soft er does not

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Rough ER has Ribosomes and Smooth ER does not.

What is the difference between the rough er and the smothe er?

Rough ER has Ribosomes and Smooth ER does not.

What is the function of ribosmes on rough endolasmic reticulum?

They involve in protein synthesis.Rough ER gives surface.

How can you tell rough ER from the smooth ER?

Rough ER has numerous ribosomes on its surface. These are absent on smooth ER. Smooth ER studded with ribosomes. Rough ER transport of materials.

How does rough ER differ for smooth ER?

rough ER has a higher proportion of ribosomes within, hence the 'rough' appearance

What structure makes the rough endoplasmic reticulum different from the smooth endoplasmic reticulum?

The basic difference between the rough endoplasmic reticulum and the smooth endoplasmic reticulum is the rough ER has ribosomes latched on to it. This is what makes it "rough" and since the smooth ER does not have these organelles on it, it is smooth.The RER and the SER also differ in function. The rough ER is the cell's "membrane factory." Proteins and phospholipids that form part of all cellular membranes are manufactured in the rough ER. The smooth ER's main functions are lipid metabolism and synthesis of cholesterol.