

What is the function to stop a codon?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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13y ago

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the stop codon uaa, uag, or uga triggers the ending of the transcription process

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Q: What is the function to stop a codon?
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Do stop codon have an amino acid?

A stop codon (UGA, UAA, UAG) only codes for a stop. No amino acid results from a stop codon.

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stop codon on mRNA

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When a ribsome reaches a stop codon, the translation process stops and a protein is released.

Why is UAG codon called amber codon?

The UAG codon is a special kind of codon called a stop codon. There are three types of stop codons: amber, ochre, and opal. UAG is an mRNA codon that is specific for the amber stop codon. The amber codon was named after Harris Bernstein, then a Caltech graduate student, whose last name means "amber" in German. The related link points to an article that discusses the history a bit more.

What ends translation in DNA?

a stop codon or anti-codon (same thing)

What happens after the ribosome reaches the start codon?

When a ribsome reaches a stop codon, the translation process stops and a protein is released.

When does the polypeptide stop growing?

It reaches a stop codon on the mRNA molecule

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nonsense mutation

How does the termination of translation occur?

The termination of protein translation is caused by termination codon. Termination happens when a stop codon is reached, there is no amino acid to be incorporated and the entire assembly releases the newly synthesized polypeptide.

Given a chunk of DNA sequences how do you find out if it contains a gene?

In order to find a gene jsut look for a start codon near a promoter and then look for a stop codon in the sequence everything between the start and the stop codon is a gene

When does translation end?

Translation ends when a stop codon is reached. The stop codons are: * UAA * UAG * UGA