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The sun......

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Q: What is the furthest away from the moon?
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How far away is the Moon from Earth this month?

I want to know the exact date the moon is furthest away from the earth.

Who is away from earth sun or moon or stars?

Moon is closest (¼ million miles), then the Sun (93 million miles), then the stars are the furthest (trillions of miles).

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Has a person gone through a blackhole?

No. The furthest man has gone is the Moon. The closest black hole is 1,600 light years away.

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Which place is the furthest that humans have traveled?

The moon.

What planet is sometimes the farthest from the moon?

Neptune is the planet that is always furthest from the moon.

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What is an eclispse?

An eclipse is when three items in space are in a line. So on earth there is an eclipse when it is furthest away and then is moon and then is sun - so moon is in the middle and is blocking out the sun. If on moon there is eclipse when earth is in front of sun. Or on other planets and their moons, and so on.

How many people have landed on Neptune?

No human beings have ever been to Neptune (as far as we know).

What is the farthest distance we have travelled away from earth?

Mars is the furthest we have travelled. Not really. The Moon is the farthest for people. Unmanned craft have gone way beyond Neptune.

What is the furthest you can be from Mars?

At furthest reach of the Universe about 46 billion light years away.